So with that Smart key system, if you have the key in your pocket and get out, can another person drive off?
Just wondering if you drive somewhere and then wifey goes off to do errands, is she going to get stranded if she doesn't have a key to restart?
technically at that point I will have "left" her there:sombrero: Really though, I think you would be right in that assumption. I the key is in my pocket there should not be a way to start or drive the car off if i am not in it. Really have not had a great amount of time to play with it yet and that is a great scenario i shall have an answer to soon.
Its like having this great toy to play with, but you have to clean up everything in the house first (work). Cant wait to get down and dirty with all this stuff and find out how it all works. It is NOTHING like an older vehicle that is jump in and go, if you need 4x4 be sure to lock the hubs.
Comes with 2 smart keys BTW. Assume they are NOT cheap to replace

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