109 Expedition rig build


Expedition Leader
BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Well done mate, you've really done a great job with the build, congrats and now go get her dirty...




First of all, well done Jim. Second of all, thank you for using "intents and purposes" correctly as opposed to "intensive purposes" which makes me cringe everytime.


thank you for using "intents and purposes" correctly as opposed to "intensive purposes" which makes me cringe everytime

:iagree: You too? It's funny how many people just look at you with their heads cocked like a dog and a blank expression when you try to correct them.

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
Ok. I call Photoshop. Those doors are closing way too evenly.

Amazing work. I think you balanced the stock with the non-stock to create something that is truly incredible. If my own project ends up being 1/10th as good, I will be satisfied.



Envy? Of this rig?? So much it hurts.

Your sexy 109 is one thing but the whole process and focused way you confronted the build is something I aspire to in my most lavish fantasies. It takes quite a pile of resources to pull it off.

Although its not in the cards for me... following your work for the last year has been surprisingly rewarding and satisfying. Thanks again for sharing your project with us!

So... who's next?

Maryland 110

I have followed this build and think the end product is absolutely stunning in its practicality. The engines in Series trucks always seemed to be the short coming. Awesome choices made and phenominal build/craftsmanship.
Like others have said, I wish I was so talented.
If you ever run down this way I would love to run some trails with you.


Holy cow! A sticky? I'm honored!

Anyway, we've been driving it around for a couple weeks and all is well. Of course there were a couple little glitches. Had to tune in the fuel gauge, the air switch that shuts the fuel off was leaking vacuum and had to be changed. Little things like that. I'll change the oil, tranny and transfer case oil and the rear diff oil in it this weekend. Heading up to the Guy Fawkes event in New York state Saturday. It'll be it's first long-distance run...about 150 miles each way with a little off-roading in the middle.

Michael Slade

Let us know how it goes.

How's the noise in the cabin? I seem to notice it is pretty bad on any series vehicle with an engine swap...mine included. Am curious how yours is sounding. Hopefully it passes the 'conversation test'...i.e. can you have a normal conversation with the person sitting next to you.

Again, congrats and job well done!

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
Mercedesrover said:
Holy cow! A sticky? I'm honored!
This build is incredible, and it sets the bar for future ExPo Series builds. The thread is a great reference for me, and I got tired of searching for it on the bottom of the page. Hopefully you'll be driving it next time you visit Alaska. Just install drool guards first.


Michael Slade said:
How's the noise in the cabin? I seem to notice it is pretty bad on any series vehicle with an engine swap...mine included.

It's not too bad...a bit quieter than the 88. Neither of them are Cadillacs but both are very livable for long distances.


Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,What?!Rattle,Rattle,Oh yeah!?Rattle,Rattle.

Gotta be less noize than a 300......


revor said:
Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,Rattle,What?!Rattle,Rattle,Oh yeah!?Rattle,Rattle.

Gotta be less noize than a 300......

Jim brought the 109 to Howard Smith's Guy Fawke's rally,

there were a number of other diesels there- the Mercedes seems to be much quiter than the 300 TDi's for some reason- and Jim doesn't have any sound deadening under the bonnet IIRC?


It was a great time, I posted some more pics here:


No, it's got the original nozzles and injectors. Truth be told it sounds pretty good for an engine who's history I know almost nothing about. Not even sure of the mileage...The guy I got it from said somewhere short of 200k. It seems well cared for with very little crank case pressure.

Those nozzles do sound interesting. (I poked around a bit before replying) Might have to look into them a little further. I've changed injectors as a unit on these engines but never just the nozzle. Do the injectors come apart easily?



I just joined this forum, and have enjoyed everything I've seen so far. But this thread has been the best. Our work, and result of your work is a dream come true just to witness. I'm new to the Landrover world, and love my 2008 Defender.. I wish I was still living in the USA somtimes due to the fact that these kids of projests are easier to do and come by.. Over here, it's money, money, money.. anyway, great job, and a beautiful result..


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