2001 DW- At a Loss!!

The Swiss

Expedition Leader
I run stock everything when I had the 2" lift on my WJ -> no DW.
Moved up to 3.5" and installed a adj. track bar -> bad DW
Replace the worn stock steering stabilizer with a OME -> slight hint of DW (just the oh ********-feeling in the stomach, as it felt like it would start after the bumps, but it actually never really did)
Replaced the adj. trackbar with the old stock track bar -> happy camper, no problem at all anymore. So, on my WJ, the adjustable track bar turned out to be the problem


Outdoor Daydreamer
I have a 2000 WJ and my DW was because I impacted my steering stabilizer by going into a ditch on a run last weekend. The first three things that come to mind (actually, were put into my mind by more knowledgeable friends of mine) are TIGHT TIGHT trackbar, steering stabilizer, and making sure your wheels are balanced. My steering wheel had to be reclocked after installing my lift too. My DW occured right around 40 mph, not a fun speed to experience that, let me tell you! Heck...make sure the wheels/tires themselves are bolted on properly too! Good luck to you!

ps....also check your shocks and make sure your bushings are still there and snug!


1st, are you sure it's death wobble, do you fear for your life when it happens?
Is it speed related, does it happen when you hit a bump, does it happen when you're turning?

Almost every time I've come across death wobble issues it was due to the track bar. Make sure every bolt is tight. Make sure you have the proper width bolts so that there can't be any side to side motion where it attaches.

Next I'd start checking everything else you touched when you installed the lift.
Make sure all control arm bolts are tight, tie rod & drag link. Make sure all the bushings are good. If you've got worn ones, now would be a good time to replace them.

If it's just a light shake at a certain speed... say 45mph, it could be a simple balancing issue. Once you've made sure everything is tight, if it is still continuing bring it in for a balance and another alignment. Probably wouldn't bring it back to the shop you had do it the previous time though.


Fear of Death was VERY present!
A bump or a dip in the road at a speed above 25 set it off.

I have made several adjustments and the DW has quited down for now.


have a buddy turn your steering wheel while you are under the truck and look for any bit of movement a 32nd is way too much.


I know on mine when I had the 2.5" KOR Lift I didn't have DW with the stock trac bar and didn't have it with the JKS adjustable. I did have a slight hint of it when I stepped up to 3.5" this was solved by a two part check.

Checked the tie rod ends-one bad on the drag link, one bad on the tie rod.
Checked all bolts and jam nuts-loose jam nut on the tie rod (I run a JKS HD tie rod), and the trac bar one needed to be tightened up.

DW gone. Sometimes it is simple, sometimes its totally messed up angles.

XJ's are a different issue like Jason stated with the steering set up they have.



Sorta the can of worms that will not go away. There are fixes however.

That said DW can be caused by any suspension component that hangs below the frame.

More often than not it can be traced to a worn Track Bar and or a weakening steering stabilizer.

On a run a week ago one of our members got DW when he pulled out on the highway heading for home. It appeared around 40 mpg and absolutely went to hell in a hand basket. While this is not unusual in the Jeep world he has a new near 4 door JK unmodified. He quickly resolved the issue (as he has owned other Jeeps) by inspecting his suspension components. What happened was that a front shock rubber mount had torn itself.

Shocks, ball joints anything can and does contribute to DW.

I have done a couple of write ups on DW and you might want to read them:


On the role of the Steering Stablizer: http://www.savagesun4x4.com/enter/viewpoints-technical_discus/jeep_tj_steering_stabilizer.html

And on a DW fix from TB induced DW: http://www.savagesun4x4.com/enter/jeep_installs/jks_front_track_bar_install.html

Most of all tell us how you solve it and feel free to ask more questions.


WJ Update

Took it to 4 Wheel Parts in Indianapolis for a check. Darrell tightend every EVERYTHING and aligned/centered the front end. I set my front tire pressure at 26lbs and rear at 24 lbs (This is about the level of my tech skills, haha). DW is now gone!!!

I wanted th castor to be corrected and have installed fixed lower control arms (RR) and adj upper control arms (JKS). This returned the castor to normal range and moved my axle slightly forward to improve wheel clearance.

Now, let's see how long till I break something.


I helped a buddy put a 4" teraflex lift on his WJ. It had death wobble immediately after the lift, so Teraflex told us to move the lower control arm axle side mounts outboard. We cut the old ones off and welded some heavy duty lower control arm mounts that were much stronger about 3-4" outboard, and installed different control arms. Death wobble was gone after that.


Outdoor Daydreamer
Ugh...I had to dig this thread up again...

DW is back for me big time! Again...I've never experienced DW prior to running my passenger side front tire off a trail & impacting my steering stabilizer. I have since had my WJ aligned twice...had the wheels balanced, and had all my suspension componentry checked for tightness & correctness.

I took it to a shop yesterday and the first guy at the shop I took it to wanted to blame my tires (BFG AT's) saying a couple negative things about BFGs. The WJ was inspected & everything looks & feels fine suspension-wise. I did get news that my upper & lower ball joints on the passenger side are shot and need to be replaced. The owner of the shop advised me that replacement along with another realignment is needed, but don't be surprised if it doesn't make DW go away. His final suggestion to me...sell my rig and buy a new one (nice, huh?)

This is driving me INSANE!


Expedition Leader
Ugh...I had to dig this thread up again...

DW is back for me big time! Again...I've never experienced DW prior to running my passenger side front tire off a trail & impacting my steering stabilizer. I have since had my WJ aligned twice...had the wheels balanced, and had all my suspension componentry checked for tightness & correctness.

I took it to a shop yesterday and the first guy at the shop I took it to wanted to blame my tires (BFG AT's) saying a couple negative things about BFGs. The WJ was inspected & everything looks & feels fine suspension-wise. I did get news that my upper & lower ball joints on the passenger side are shot and need to be replaced. The owner of the shop advised me that replacement along with another realignment is needed, but don't be surprised if it doesn't make DW go away. His final suggestion to me...sell my rig and buy a new one (nice, huh?)

This is driving me INSANE!
Well, just to make sure it is DW, we're talking the whole vehicle shakes(almost harmonically) until slow down, correct?

The SS is neither the cause or fix...forget about it.

Did your mechanic pull your control arms and check the bushings? Both axle and body side bushing, especially on the upper control arms can be overlooked and cause wicked DW.

Also, can you snap a pic of your front end; I'd like to see your draglink angle vs your trackbar angle. For your reference, draw imaginary lines from the mounting points of the DL and TB; these lines should be parallel.

From what I have been told, the WJ is more prone to DW due to the fact that the CA mounts are spaced closer together, so there isnt as stable a base for the vehicle. This could be SPOBI, so take it with a grain of salt.


Outdoor Daydreamer
Yep....it's DW for sure. Somewhere between 35-40 mph - I hit a bump/crease in the road, or railroad track just right and it unleashes its fury!

It's a very violent harmonic shake of the entire vehicle until slow down (I don't jam on my brakes when it happens)

The shop only did a light inspection ($40 worth of inspection).

I'll try to snap a quick pic now & upload it here.


Expedition Leader
Check all your bushings and the sleeves in them. The DW can exacerbate already wallowed bushings/sleeves.


Outdoor Daydreamer
Check the ball joints. Went through everything on the XJ and we changed the ball joints and its gone.

Ball joints already checked....was told the passenger side ones need to be replaced. Going to do that real soon.

I don't have my digital camera usb cable here now....will upload pics of the front end tomorrow.

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