I never said there was no need for articulation at all. But with regards to "competent articulation": When I see rock crawlers with solid axles with loads of articulation, the do truly "tip" when the driver goes over. Quite violently in fact. This doesn't. It is also more sure footed despite the lack of articulation compared to a dedicated low-tech rock crawler. What also strikes me is that you're now complaining about the look out of the window of a Velar, not a Defender. Just as you're using the lack of articulation on the Velar as a point about the Defender.
Again, you seem to seek out boulders to crawl over, rather than using the vehicle to get from a to bo off the road (or on really bad roads). I get that. It's a hobby, so you can do as you please.
But, really, on loose gravel, snow, on ice, on rutted dirt tracks, through a field, through a stream, on sand, and to get the wheels down with more speed than crawling speeds, solid axles are lacking. Yes, if all else was equal to what it was 80 years ago, you might get better traction with a solid axle than independent suspension at crawling speeds. But up the speeds to even 20 kilometres an hour (about 12 mph, I think), and even miniscule corrugations or bumps and hollows in the surface you're driving will yield more traction in the one with independent suspension. Now add modern traction control and whatnot and you're not even close to being able to do a route as fast in a vehicle with 80 year old tech than you would in one with modern tech.
Why aren't all of you guys driving old Unimogs? It is much better than a Wrangler in it's off road capability. And, what about the new ones? You know, the U5023 ones where they only put a semi manual in to appease the old guard, but it is actually more capable with the automatic. Or how about its traction control? If you lift one (further than the portal axles), you could probably have even more "articulation".
Is it only due to (a lack of) money you guys don't drive Unimogs? Or could there be other reasons why that particular vehicle isn't the end-all, be-all of offroading? You know "compromises"? Is it too specialised? But isn't that what you guys want? A specialised rock crawling vehicle? Too big? Well, it can climb rocks better than most, so what's the problem? Is it too specialised to not work in other than a few very specialised settings?