80 series custon pop-top hunt... where is it?


Can ANYONE remember / find the thread or link that had the Orange 80 series pop-top camper conversion?? I remember seeing it in here awhile back and wanted to see it again!



Expedition Leader
Here's the only orange one I know of;




And since you said 80 series;



Expedition Leader
Thats the one. Thank you!
What thread was that in?

Dreaming of making my 80 like that 100...........

I didn't realize it was in a build thread. I think I lifted the first one from a German company and then collected the other two from 'Mud. As far as the 80, it was just in one of my files with other misc. overland rigs.


OverCamping Specialist
All of those are very cool.
I had seen the orange one before a year back or so.

This is my fave though, gotta keep the drool back :sombrero:



Expedition Leader
What we need to do is pressure AT (once they are done and running with the JK version) to build us a Flippak conversion for our LC's. It would look like the pop tops on the LC's posted, but so much better when deployed. If they can somehow make it fairly universal in size so that you cut the hole in your roof to accomodate the Flippak on either an 80 or 100, possibly even the 60 series. Now that would be the cat's meow. That way you could stand up in the rear portion and someone could still be sleeping in the "flipped" over/bed portion. That is my dream at least...


Ruffin' It

You know, it wouldn't even require a hole in the roof. I fit through my open sunroof just fine and I am not a little guy (6' & 220).
And, if the unit was made in two parts, a universal top wouldn't be too hard. Just make a universal top that bolts onto an adapter plate (think fiberglass ring that goes under the pop up). Each model gets an easy to make, inexpensive, unique adapter plate that fits between the pop up and the roof making mass production much easier for multiple models. One pop up, one production run, lots of applications.

I call first dibs!!!!!!


What we need to do is pressure AT (once they are done and running with the JK version) to build us a Flippak conversion for our LC's. It would look like the pop tops on the LC's posted, but so much better when deployed. If they can somehow make it fairly universal in size so that you cut the hole in your roof to accomodate the Flippak on either an 80 or 100, possibly even the 60 series. Now that would be the cat's meow. That way you could stand up in the rear portion and someone could still be sleeping in the "flipped" over/bed portion. That is my dream at least...

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