86 Suburban, warwgn's build.


all the electronics are hooked up and it powers up, need to re-adjust the TPS it is not throwing out enough minimum voltage so I am getting a fault code. Easy enough to do just loosen the set screw and pull a little more cable through and retighten. Min voltage is .20 Volts and I am sitting on .11 so dont need to move much. I did not start it yet or put fluid in did not have time, but hope to get all that buttoned up tonight, but I did manage to hook up the reverse lights to the shifter, should have done that 3 years ago when I put the mega shifter in but it's done now.


Expedition Leader
Hey War good to see everything coming together. Just curious why you lengthened your shift linkage? Also, what king of transfercase was that you rebuilt? Loving your pics and posts. Cheers, Chilli!:)


the Tcase moved 2" further back by switching from the TH400 to the 4L80E so the rod that connects the shifter to the tcase would have been too short. And my Tcase is an NP208.

Nothing was done yesterday at all, worked way late and didnt get home till 8:30 so not much time and was too tired. Maybe today I will be able to get back on it.


got it fired up last night but only to check for leaks and get the fluid moving. Had lots of issues getting the laptop hooked up and communicating to the US SHift controler, but that is because my laptop is a piece of crap, but eventually got it going. I think the program is gonna be fine, still seem to have issues with the TPS signal and the brain box keeps throwing a fault?

The worst part is I bought 3 of the 4 qt jugs of ATF thinking that would be enough, like a dummy I could not add and I am short some fluid like 8 quarts!! I put 4 in the tcase and think it should be about right but need a single quart to pour in a little at a time to make sure it is topped off to the right level. Then I put a jug in the trans and cranked it up and poured in half the other jug, so 6 qt's now and kept checking the level and just not getting to the mark, so dumped the other 2 qt's in and still not good...I was thinking I had 12 qt's in it but duh stupid the other 4 are in the tcase!!! So it only has 8qt's well 8 and a half since I put about that much in the converter before install. I think they hold about 14, plus I have long cooling lines and auxillary cooler and external filter so I am betting at least 2 extra qts worth on that so prolly will wind up being around 16 qts total capacity for the whole system. Got to stop by the parts store on the way home and pick up another 8 qts or 10 just to be safe...


.37 and 3.59

on the up side just drove it around the driveway, it jumps purdy good when you shift into gear which it was not doing before so good sign. On the down side there is a small leak at the lower line on the radiator so gonna have to pull it off and dress it with Teflon tape and a small leak at the back right corner of the trans pan, hoping it will seal as it gets hot and a little time on it but if not will have to drop the pan and put a new gasket or maybe a new deep pan earlier than I planned. Not sure if the deep pan will clear the front shaft though?

Didn't get the tps fault tonight though so maybe that is good now?? But now the throttle sticks bad, the plastic sleeve is at a little angle and catches when you let off the throttle and does not want to let the pedal go back down to accelerate. Just another small issue to work out, I had to move the cable to hook up to the other shaft to make room for the remote tps cable to connect.

more to come later but have to work tomorrow which is putting me behind schedule.....
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Expedition Leader
im by not a mechanic but id change trans gasket for sure it would suck to be trying do trans work in the field.

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So worked all weekend, no time to wrench, but Subzila is bleeding a steady drip so when I get home today the pan will come out and get cleaned and a nice coat of black rtv then the gasket and back in it will go. This time it should be leak free, I will wait a few months and drive it and see how it does through the winter then as summer kicks in I will swap to the deep pan and maybe even a larger auxilliary cool depending on how the temps run. We stay in the 90's here and even though Subzila sits 2' off the ground that 496 puts out a lot of heat with the long tube headers so anything I can do to help keep things cool will be good. I also plan to put the hood louvers in and want to fab up a cold air intake with dual inlets running from the grill, but more on that later.

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