All Terrain Warriors campers


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Double dutch world safari

Just wanted to post a link to Robert's website if anyone's interested in his trip. He's just headed to Cape York for a shakedown run before shipping to Africa hopefully at the end of next month. BTW the 'wet' has already hit with a vengeance so not sure how far he'll get in Far North Queensland.

Regards John.



Remember this one John?



This was on Fraser Island.

And Robert's winch mount was probably my fault.......sorry....



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
And Robert's winch mount was probably my fault.......sorry....


BTW we had a new Oka in today for a demo. Hoping we might be able to sell a few. First time I've been in one. Not just a new model but any of them. Definitely like the auto/cummins combo.



BTW we had a new Oka in today for a demo. Hoping we might be able to sell a few. First time I've been in one. Not just a new model but any of them. Definitely like the auto/cummins combo.
Might be a lot less work to do on the base vehicle - stiff chassis and good articulation.... see what the diff mods handle.....



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018

Hey Peter this was the truck I mentioned. Really trick three piece 19.5" wheels on 305 Continental HDR's. Must make tyre changing a breeze.


We saw it up here, Marcus came across as a fairly arrogant salesman.
I thought they had the greatest opportunity to make the ultimate 4wd of all time, seems RFW retains his crown.
Why they still use those bloody high maintenence Girling disc brakes is beyond me, the Auto cooler hasn't had much thought, looks more like an after thought.
There's heaps that i was dissappointed with, plus the fact it had more time on Warnsies hoist, and not too much driving time.
We were seriously considering one.......were.


I contacted them direct from their website for some information and prices out of interest as I will be doing something shortly, and have not had the courtesy of reply.



Hi Mark.
I had a drive of Susi & Ruedi's NT001 a couple of years ago on the Holland Track in WA.
Theirs is quite a bit heavier than ours, but that suspension is still brilliant.
Our 1994 XT has now done almost 500,000km, and I haven't driven anything that compares remotely with it, so if the latest version is remotely similar it will be a great expedition vehicle. I am sure that there will be "issues", but tell me a vehicle with none?

A couple of video clips, ...... because I can....:wings:


oka boy

did you end up driving the new OKA or you just got put off by Marcus attitude,OKA is one of those vehicles which allways poliraze a lot of people.... a bit like Land Rovers,the reality is that is a bloody good vehicle still retain some issues which will be sorted in due course,the problem is allways resources/funding for R&D and lots of people who never had anything to do with one often are very forward with the negative criticism,I'm not saying this is the case with you as you been around many of this 4x4's
That was my 2.5 cents( sorry we don't have two cent anymore make it 5).
Travelabout in Perth floog the absolute guts out of the OKA's 6-700.000 km got rid of them and now they call it the shocker,well see if any of the other brands that they have selected is given them the milage,it takes a lot of efford to make a 4x4 of that magnitude from scratch and as Robert Whitehead from RFW find out it will allways be knockers......Cheez did I come accross a bit bias?


did you end up driving the new OKA or you just got put off by Marcus attitude,OKA is one of those vehicles which allways poliraze a lot of people.... a bit like Land Rovers,the reality is that is a bloody good vehicle still retain some issues which will be sorted in due course,the problem is allways resources/funding for R&D and lots of people who never had anything to do with one often are very forward with the negative criticism,I'm not saying this is the case with you as you been around many of this 4x4's
That was my 2.5 cents( sorry we don't have two cent anymore make it 5).
Travelabout in Perth floog the absolute guts out of the OKA's 6-700.000 km got rid of them and now they call it the shocker,well see if any of the other brands that they have selected is given them the milage,it takes a lot of efford to make a 4x4 of that magnitude from scratch and as Robert Whitehead from RFW find out it will allways be knockers......Cheez did I come accross a bit bias?

Hey mate, don't get me wrong, I still love the OKA. But I've got to take into serious consideration issues such as, drivers who think it is a Paris-Dakar every time they drive, those brakes freak me out, with the thought of the calipers coming loose and a driver not recognising the symptoms.
If it was for me to drive, I'd have a dual cab yesterday. But the business dictates that i drive a suzuki......


Manual cab/chassis is $132,000 inc GST

WOW! And they are still a 6 tonne GVM, arent they? I know they've got alot of stuff, but for like 20k more you can get a 13.280 MAN 4x4. Yes, i know (first hand) that the MAN is much bigger and restricts access by its sheer size, but as far as the hardware you get....

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