Every Miles A Memory
Expedition Leader
Nice work Andy
Looks to me that you already have a very good eye for composition. Only suggestion on the landscape shots is to be sure the horizon is level across the capture. If you miss it in the shot then basic photo software should allow you to rotate a crop to correct it afterwards.
Looks like the toughest challenge is the limited dynamic range of the cell phone camera. Without a wider dynamic range that better camera have, it's very difficult to properly expose the darker areas without blowing out the highlights.
Maybe a flash on the wine glass shot would have given you enough foreground light??
Bottom line, if you decide to get more capable camera equipment, I think you will be off to a great start. Nice shots.
It's amazing where we have traveled with only a cell phone to capture the moment! .
I don't see any dust seals on the trailer. How tacky. :elkgrin: