Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Hi Scott....
when do you fly out from Brisbane??? John.
when do you fly out from Brisbane??? John.
...Love the bloke's directions a page or so back.... "two hours on the other side of..." "then another ten minutes to...."
My kind of directions right there!
Here is my list of the most creepy things about Australia.
2. Vegimite Obsession
Ah Scott,
You just need to visit for a bit longer to properly understand the Vegemite obsession.
Oh, and what is with all the speed cameras
Actually, just before you left, the beach at Inskip, next to where you caught the Fraser Island Ferry collapsed into the passage. You can almost see the ferries at the top of the pic. A big chunk just disappeared..............have never seen that before although I did see a bike rider go over the bars when he hit a fresh water spring on the beach when we were kids. The first time we ever drove up there as kids on a surfing trip, my mate's dad who was an old timer beach fisherman said never drive over shiny sand, and we thought "whatever" then when we got up there this bike traveling in front of us just drops and over the bars he went at 60 kph and face first into the beach. Have never seen that since either.
This pic taken on the 29th of June.
A couple of videos of what I think about Australia....sounds like an awesome trip... .
Another favorite Aussie vid of mine is BUSH MECHANICS.