Heavy Duty Adventurer
I did a quick sketch showing how this idea might work with no drilling on the Jeep or hardtop...
A bracket of 16-gauge steel (1/16" thick) would go on top of the tub/under the hardtop and be secured in place with the hardtop bolts, and a top mounting arrangement that uses the hatch hinge bolts in the back and clamps on the the drip rail in the front would enable a rack like the one you're asking about to be mounted without drilling.
I've drawn it with a Molle grid, but any kind of arrangement for mounting things could be done. Wouldn't be hard to make, just requires a little detailed design and some accurate bending. No drilling, easy to install/remove.
Anybody want one? Might be a fun project to do.
Yes!!!! Only thing I would do different is make holes in between the Molle slots. I would do that so you can mount bolt on accessories, such as Quick fist. I know can mount them in the slots, but will tend to shift along the slot. Just an idea to your already great idea.