Best CB set-up:


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Kicking the dead horse, but at those prices you might as well just become a Ham, pass the simple test, and pick up a commercial|amateur rig. You're legal to 1500 watts, get repeater usage, and a bundle more frequency allocations.

Actually that CB is probably great, but when you're gonna dole that kind of $, you could get a VHF/UHF + scanner rig for 'bout the same price.

Scenic WonderRunner

Thanks for the input.......

I'm considering getting my ham license in the future.

I could just run this radio on the CB channels until I get my license.

Then eventually I would like to get a 2Meter.

I would then have 10 meter.....and 2 meter............and high power CB!


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Good points. Beware that you need to obtain a 2nd level FCC license to utilize 10 meter; you will need to learn CW (Morse). First level Ham license does not inlcude 10 meter :-(

Scenic WonderRunner

Wow!......see! much to learn!

I would rather be out exploring and talking on my renegade CB....than spending all that time studying!.....hehe

Just Kidding!

But it does seem like a lot of work. We have so many things that go BEEP now....I don't know if I can learn any more BEEPS!......LOL


Radios - a few thoughts

Hey all. A few things about radio installations and radio choices.

First of all the importance of your grounding system:
The grounding system in your car can be thought of as half of your antenna system. To do it right, you would spend the time/energy to make sure you have good grounding throughout the vehicle - doors, hood, body panels, bumpers - grounding each to the frame with copper braid, or solid copper strap. This becomes more vital if you are pushing power ie. ham radio. If you mount your antenna on a bumper make sure you have a good ground to the bumper. Many times, even though the bumper is metal it is isolated from ground due to paint layers between it and the frame. All ground straps/connections should be to bare metal... you can clearcoat over the joint aftewards.

This and getting the antenna as high on the vehicle as possible will improve your installation greatly.

As for getting a hybrid 10meter/CB rig. These radios are really just "Export" cb radios with extended range. If you are seriously interested in being able to communicate on the ham bands I would definately suggest getting an icom or yaesu HF rig. Yes they are more expensive, but much more capable.

Although it is pretty easy to get illegal CB equipment and amplifiers - your first step should be getting your antenna installation optimized. I would suggest leaving long-range communications to the Amateur Bands using repeaters or HF radios.

If any of you would like to get your HAM Tickets I would be glad to point you in the right direction. BTW things are in the works at the moment to eliminate the morse code requirement entirely on all license classes.

Here's a radio worth lusting over... to motivate and inspire:

This is a very expensive example ($1400) but with the right setup can talk around the world on HF, and can talk on 2M and 440 MHZ plus the remote head lets you save precious cab space. Similar radios can be had for as little as $700 new... probably 500 bucks used.

Good luck, and 73


Scenic WonderRunner

How about we revive the CB Radio thread..............?

I got lucky today when I answered a guys ad on Craigslist for CB Radio's and Antenna's.

I picked up a like new.........

Wilson 1000.........

...for only $28 bucks!

Here is the best buy I've found online for a Wilson 1000......

You can still see the dust on it from sitting in his storage.

He even helped me set the SWR........and on channel 23 it was Stuck at #1........perfect!

......did somebody say....."SWR".........:ylsmoke:


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Scenic WonderRunner

Thought I would add a couple pics.

I'm really pleased that I can remove the antenna....and screw on a protective cap. .....and leave the mag mount in place!

I'm hoping to make a storage sleave for my antenna....maybe out of 1/4 inch PVC Pipe. And maybe store the antenna when not in use, up high along my ceiling in back.


Also thought I would show my CB Radio install location.

You are looking at an antique.........RF Johnson #123 Cb Radio.........Circa 1976...! My old truckers radio.....before CB Radios got Kewl! Maybe this install pic will help somebody else while deciding where to put theirs. This solution works perfect in my truck! I'm even using an existing screw hole. It's out of the way of the passengers legs. The speaker is turned to the outside so I can hear.

The baggie you see in the upper right of the pic under my floor my Mouse Trap!.....within easy reach to do the dirty deed! I can get some sleep!.........:sombrero:

Notice the mileage on the speedo!...........This was Gods gift to me!.......even though the engine is a pain in the !@#$%^%$#@!!!!


......breaker ....breaker! 'boutcha good buddy?!!:friday:
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Scenic WonderRunner

Here is an update on my new Wilson 1000 antenna.

During my recent trip to AZ, UT, CO. .... I was consistantly talking/receiving 15 to 60+ miles.

My longest distance line of sight contact was from the "Top of the World" trail near Moab clear out 60+ miles to west of Green River, UT to a trucker along the I-70. I guess being up high is like having a Huge antenna! I was also talking way out east into Colorado along the I-70 about that same distance.

I was also shooting skip from Kayenta, Bakersfield, CA. and talking clear as a bell (although this does not really's kinda fun though!).

I've also been checking my radio here around San Diego (lots of hilly terrain) and find that I'm consistantly putting out 15 to 40 miles. Although I'm unable to talk to Jack Silberman who lives less than 15 miles from me because of two very large hills. I can hear him faintly but he can't hear me.

This is with my good old (1976) stock RF Johnson CB Radio as pictured above.

I would recommend a Wilson 1000 (or 5000) to anyone. It's the best antenna I have ever had and my radio has never put out this good in 30 years of running it!

Be sure to dial in your "SWR" Perfect.....and you will be amazed! (did somebody say "SWR".....?!!)

It's ALL about the antenna!:wavey:



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Can someone recommend a good CB communications type shop in the East Valley - Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa...



Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
Westy said:
Can someone recommend a good CB communications type shop in the East Valley - Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa...


CB Exchange on Main in Mesa...


I'm really not sure if you folks have already talked about this or not, but I will throw it out there. I come from the go two miles in 5 days kind of wheeling and just got sick of breaking stuff so I am slowly changing my rig to an expedition type. It seems like a lot more fun to me. Anyway enough with the jibbi jabber to the point at hand. A lot of us folks run Everhardt Antennas they have worked very very very well low swr and there are some flexible series ones that are awesome. I have bent mine in half from low hanging brush with absolutely no problems. It is definitely a rugged type of antenna. I used to have a wilson 1000, but I broke the whip twice so I moved to the Everhardt's and I am glad I did. Just a little info for ya. Thanks


Got a link?? I've use Wilsons all the time, with center loading coils and have only broken one. I accidentally put a Jeep on top of it. Never broke a whip. But I'm willing to look at a better idea. I've got UHF,VHF, 800, AIR, SAT ,CB and GPS. So a tougher antenna is always a good thing. Can You Hear Me Now??


Here ya go:

Yeah I know they have CB and Scanner Whips, but I don't think they have UHF/VHF etc. Go to Catalog and then CB Replacement Whips. They don't have prices on their site, but I can tell you that they are about the price of Wilson Fiberglass antennae. Hope this helps.

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