Best CB set-up:


Active member
What about this mounting spot?

Great thread!!!


Looking at mounting my Cb antenna off my rear bumper on the top part of my swing-out gate...Going to fab a tab as picture shows.....Looks like it is going to take more than 18 ft. of cable.....

What do you guys think? Is this a good spot?



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I have found with a very similar mount on my FJ cruiser that I am very directional with my cb, I shoot a great signal at the 2 o'clock postion or out the frount passenger side tire way...
that is why the center of the roof is best, you create a round pattern, any other mounting creates directional paths...
I am switching to a wilson 1000 center least I bought the parts today now I just have to pop the headliner out and look at how the sunroof with affect mounting.


Willman -
Yeah that isn't too bad of a position but like 1leglance said center of the roof is best. Do you have a roof rack? That's where I am putting my new one as soon as I get it. Like I was telling PhulesAU before some of the everhardt's can be bent in half with no problems so low hanging brush is not a problem at all.


Active member
TJVach said:
Willman -
Yeah that isn't too bad of a position but like 1leglance said center of the roof is best. Do you have a roof rack? That's where I am putting my new one as soon as I get it. Like I was telling PhulesAU before some of the everhardt's can be bent in half with no problems so low hanging brush is not a problem at all.

Thanks guys for the posts!!!...A roof rack is a little down on my mod list....Just trying to find the best place now until the rack and roof top tent come!!!!


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Roof mount Wilson and a Cobra radio peaked and tweaked. 500 watt linear on the side. Best combo evar.

Legally.. Roof mount Wilson and Cobra.

Been using this combo for a while and never one single problem.. it's always someone elses radio that has the problem.


Active member
vanguard said:
I'd call the guys at and ask for a tech. I've found their customer service to be outstanding. They sold me on the wilson 1000 roof mount after I had trouble installing my firestik. The guy had been installing CBs for over 20 years and really knew his stuff.

Thanks for the link!!! :luxhello: Those guys helped me get all hooked up!!!

Got an uniden pro520xl to go into the ashtray and all the goodies like firestik FireFly 3' antenna 30' cable and etc!!!



Roof mount Wilson and a Cobra radio peaked and tweaked. 500 watt linear on the side. Best combo evar.

Legally.. Roof mount Wilson and Cobra.

Been using this combo for a while and never one single problem.. it's always someone elses radio that has the problem.

HEY!!! lol


Active member
Willman said:
Thanks for the link!!! :luxhello: Those guys helped me get all hooked up!!!

Got an uniden pro520xl to go into the ashtray and all the goodies like firestik FireFly 3' antenna 30' cable and etc!!!


Got it all in!!




still need to test it!!



Here's mine...maybe not the best but i'm still proud of it...

Here is the quick disconnect mount just in front of the passenger side rear taillight. The mount is a custom 2 piece aluminum stock welded on 2 sides and sheet metal screwed into the body of the Jeep. The tailight itself also pushes against the mount to help secure it in place. There is a 4' blue Firestik antenna that gets placed there when in use.


As for the CB itself it gets placed right next to the center console on the passenger side. It fits quite nice there actually and has not affected the comfort to the pasenger seating position at all. I took a piece of aluminum stock again and bent it in 2 spots to make the bracket that then goes underneath the center console. The CB squeezes into the mount and rests on it and the passenger seat rail quite nicely. Being next to the center console also makes it easier to hide the wires. I then wired into the cigarette lighter which gets constant power so i can use it with the Jeep on or off.


I had an external speaker as well to mount and I was so excited when I found it would fit perfectly snug next to my steering column. there is now some velcro glued to the edge of the plastic trim and the bottom of the speaker to keep it from rattling around, but even before it was hardly noticeable.




Well...without reading through the full thread (I'll get to that later), I decided that I should post up my CB Setup.

I run a very simple CB + Antenna setup, with no modifications to the radio, or external accessories (read, amps, etc). Out of the box, my SWR was 1.1:1 on all channels, without tuning the setup.

I run a Radio Shack brand TRC521 Radio ($79.99) with weather alert, instant 9 and 19, full 4W of power on all 40 channels, and channel change buttons on the remote (very handy for quickly changing channels on the road).

I installed a Wilson 5000 Thru-Roof mounted antenna ($99.99), in line with my B-Pillars, and ran the coax down the b-pillar on the drivers side (since my stereo wiring all runs down the passenger side) and into the radio.

I added ground straps for the hood, doors, hatch, and exhaust. I also added a larger gauge ground cable from the battery and the alternator, and grounded the starter body. The stereo is grounded to the chassis as well. I get zero interference from the radio, even at high volumes with the squelch turned all the way to 0. I get zero static, unless I pass under high-voltage lines. My SWR with my roof rack basket mounted is 1.4:1 (very acceptable) and without it is 1.1:1 on all 40.

On a recent wheeling trip to Rausch Creek in Tremont, Pennsylvania, I was picking up CB transmissions (NOT SKIP) from Hazleton all the way down to Harrisburg.

On another trip to Rausch, I was picking up Skip from as far away as Oklahoma, and talking right back, without any issues.

On a typical day, I see anywhere from 10-20 miles of range on the highway, depending on terrain, and the other persons radio.

Previous was a Cobra 18WXSTII with a Firestik II with a body side ball mount, and I couldn't hear the tailgunner in my trail group, not 500 feet away.

I had used a Cobra 19 Ultra III for a while in place of the Radio Shack unit, because my external speaker blew out on me, and the Radio Shack one didn't have an internal speaker. My SWR with that radio was 2.4-2.7:1. I reinstalled the Radio Shack radio, and it read out at 1.1:1 again. Perfect!

No amp, no sideband, no tweaks, no peak or tune....just out of the box perfection!


My current setup is a Cobra 18 WX ST w/ a 5" mag roof mount and a 4' Firestick. My problem is, iwhen passing under trees with low braches, the mag mount doesn't hold. I figure this may be due to the lack of flexibility in the antenna. So I'm in the market for a better roof mount and antenna system. I'm happy with my Cobra unit.

So I'm looking at a Wilson 1000 permanent roof mount with their 39" short load whip. I don't want to mount my antanna anywhere else as the roof on my trooper is very large ground plane. My question is, how do I mount it? I'm sure it comes with instructions, but I can't seem to find any info on what is necessary to mount it.

Thanks in a dvance.


Installation of a peranent roof mount is actually very straightforward. Granted, it is easier said than done, but isn't everything?

The first step is removing the headliner to find the best spot to drill through the roof. Use a UniBit/step-bit to drill the hole the correct size, as per the mounting requirements. Once you have the base mounted, all that's left is routing the wiring, being sure to keep it away from any stereo signal or power wires, as they will interfere with the coax, even if it is shielded.

Tune it with a good SWR meter at the radio and antenna, test it, and go! It took me about 4 hours from start to finish to install my roof mount Wilson 5000, start to finish, including dropping the headliner, and removing the sundry interior bits to run the wiring cleanly.

When tuning the antenna, you need to be well away from any buildings, power lines or other sizeable metal structures, and have all of the doors closed on the truck. There are lots of good antenna tuning write-ups on the web, and I believe FireStik even has one in their tech section.

Good luck, and if you have any issues, you now where to find us!


Here's the new permanent antenna I had installed yesterday. It was done by Niles Radio, a local shop who is contracted with all the law enforcement agencies here in Flagstaff. This is the same antenna all the law enforcement and emergency vehicles have. The installer said he's had better success with this setup than most Wilson setups. Here's some pictures I took this morning.

Here's a picture of how I mounted my Cobra unit.





Scenic WonderRunner

I just want to Reiterate!

If you buy a Quality CB Antenna like a Wilson 1000 or 5000.....or maybe a Firestik (but it's just not as good!).............

............and Tune it with an SWR Meter to the Perfect will be amazed at how far you can talk on a CB Radio!

I can consistantly talk 60+ miles on the flat desert with another person that has a quality antenna and tuned.

If you will improve your antenna situation........ALL the others in your group on the trail will be so pleased!............because now you can talk!

Did I say............Quality CB Antenna................AND...........SWR Meter!

It could even save your life!

Just......Do It!:26_7_2:


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