Best truck for the Apocalypse?

Tahoe Diesel

Apocalypse NOW!

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Paying my respects to an old relative who didn't make it.




Expedition Leader
deep dreath...

Once you replace the "zombie" for despairate human trying to survive following the economic crash you may see how not-out-of-line these threads are. I'm not one of the consp. theory guys or the doomsday is coming folks.. I just prefer to be prepared. And since the US's economy gets worse everyday...shrugs.
To that end it boils down to survival short and long term. When one looks long and hard at a popuation chart its easy to see where the largest losses will occur. Take large and overpopulated places like LA or NYC. They will suffer HUGE losses due to simple things like food/water/electricity outages. Add a little time for the refuse and sewer systems to back up and now you have rampant illness spreading like the plague. And that doesn't even take into consideration the violence and brutality of scared and despairate people feeding off the weak. So you either have to hope you don't live in one of these places or be VERY prepared to fight your way free of them. A bull dozer may be the only answer to that unless your on foot. And if your people-hoofin' it you better be ********-hot on your CQB tactics and have enough friends to cover your 6 as you move. Either way that will be a hard line.!.
Me, I prefer to have farmland in a rural area not far from a large Federal conservation area. Off the beaten path enough to allow me to defend it yet close enough for a trip to town if needed. If the "ZA" never happens I'll still be happy as a clam... no harm, no foul! But if it did/does occur then I can see a fortress growing quickly. How... like this!
Find a NG/reserve motor pool and acquire a few M1A1s. Upload full ammo and as much fuel as possable to get back to home. Post the M1s at each corner and keep them fairly serviced. Nice thing is they can still be fired (degraded) by manual means should the batts die and the fuel run out. No need to move.. just hunker down, combat lock the hatches, and manual trav/ele the turret and use the GAS to sight the 120. Or use the coax 7.62 if lots of zombies arrive.
As for scouting/resupply mission I'd go with something big...See pics. A mobile base to allow temp. safe shelter if the mission runs long and enough storage to carry the "booty" back. I'd also like a fast mover to be able to zip through areas and see what the situation is before getting on ground to resupply.
Honestly, diesel is the only way to go. Fuel will taint soon after and even if found will be pretty useless after a while. With a little prep you could have your own solar tubes at home for electricity. They like to produce alge which can be processed into biofuel! Run everything off bio, sink a well, defend your parameter, and live! :)


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Funny how in Africa, the locals can endure repeated economical and starvation hits, and still remain civillized overall (even when death is imminent).

Yet, here in the most highly developed part of the world, if disaster strikes, we'll all turn to zombies, stabbing eachother for "survival"!


New member
Funny how in Africa, the locals can endure repeated economical and starvation hits, and still remain civillized overall (even when death is imminent).

Yet, here in the most highly developed part of the world, if disaster strikes, we'll all turn to zombies, stabbing eachother for "survival"!

I don't think we'll turn into Zombies, but it would be more of a shock to us than it is for them. They are used to a certain way of life as are we. Just so happens what they are used to is chaos and unrest. If my cable goes I get upset, if the lights go out I get upset, if my truck needs work and I have no ride I get upset etc... Being that we are highly developed we rely on that stuff too much. Take it all away and I guarantee it will be a nightmare.


Funny how in Africa, the locals can endure repeated economical and starvation hits, and still remain civillized overall (even when death is imminent).

Yet, here in the most highly developed part of the world, if disaster strikes, we'll all turn to zombies, stabbing eachother for "survival"!

Yes, those Africans "remain civilized" despite their astronomical murder and rape rates. How exactly do you think HIV spreads so quickly over there? We materialistic, non-civilized first worlders could learn a thing or two from them!

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