Birds Of Prey




Been living up here in Anchorage for a couple of months. Got some decent Bald Eagle shots this past weekend




I'm glad you guys like them :sombrero: Went back to the same place yesterday and took a couple more. I say a couple, but it was more like 140 lol These are two of the ones that actually came out semi-sharp.


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Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Hey Crawldit, from looking at your EXIF data on your images, you only have your ISO set to ISO200. Try bumping it up to a minimum of ISO400 and see if it helps stop the action better.

If it were me, and I was shooting in that dim of light, I'd probably be all the way up to an ISO of 800 or a 1000 depending on how grainy you want the images to look.

You must have a 70-200 f/2.8 or a nice f/2.8 lens because it says you're stopped all the way to f/2.8, so you've got the right lens, just pump up your ISO and you should walk away with alot more keepers.

Love those last shots!!


Hey Crawldit, from looking at your EXIF data on your images, you only have your ISO set to ISO200. Try bumping it up to a minimum of ISO400 and see if it helps stop the action better.

If it were me, and I was shooting in that dim of light, I'd probably be all the way up to an ISO of 800 or a 1000 depending on how grainy you want the images to look.

You must have a 70-200 f/2.8 or a nice f/2.8 lens because it says you're stopped all the way to f/2.8, so you've got the right lens, just pump up your ISO and you should walk away with alot more keepers.

Love those last shots!!

You are right on the money. The first two images I posted I had the ISO at 400 and it did do a better job freezing the Eagles. My camera body get's pretty grainy at 400 though and I had to denoise those shots more than I wanted and lost some sharpness. So this past weekend I dropped the ISO to 200. Helped with the grain but couldn't freeze the birds. It's definitely frustrating and those Bald Eagles can flat out move!

I have Nikon D3000 body and an older Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8 AF-S that I picked up used. The glass has definitely made it easier for me to see the shortcomings of the body. I'm very very very tempted to pick up a new Nikon D7000 body.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
I feel your pain. I had the 1st generation Canon 1D and although it would shoot 8fps, it was useless in anything above the ISO400 mark and even that was grainy.

If you cant afford a new body, which would make a night and day difference, look at some of the software that will help with the noise issues. The most popular is Noise Ninja. Or just try and reduce the noise a bit in Photoshop.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Couple of Birds of Prey that you dont normally think of, but I'd bet if you asked any of the local Mullet, they'd talk differently


The Mullet in this Pelican's Bill was huge and it took him about 5 minutes to choke it down


Once these birds are in the air, they fly pretty effortlessly, but taking off always looks awkward to me


I've been trying to get this shot for months now, years actually, but I'm not that happy that he was facing away from me. I guess it's sort of a c+ when I was looking for an A+

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