My speedometer does read incorrectly since the tire change, reading low by what I'm guesstimating to be 7%, but that's not a 50mph difference.
When I shift the truck from drive to s-mode, it goes into either S3, S4, or S5 automatically, depending on the speed (and possibly other factors). In the scenario I'm remembering, the truck went into S4, and would not allow me to shift down to S3. Now, S4 limits the top gear to fourth, so it's possible the truck was in a lower gear, but I would have expected it to then show me that it shifted directly into S3.
I get what the gear ratios suggest, but...
Maaaybe I was in third and didn't realize it (Drive -> S mode, truck displays S4 but either goes directly into third or shifts into it immediately while maintaining the S4 mode), but definitely not second.
In any case. Needs more power. A lot more.
The trailer should slow you down. You have a small naturally aspirated motor. 300lbs of furniture is not much and trust seems weird. Maybe you and @Clutch can contemplate full-size trucks together!