And you're the one who got it all started.
You ROCK! (yep, shoutin' that too)
Well done pritchnakoff, Great success.
I bet it was a real help to bobby too.
. Thanks again Pritch for setting this up.
Just got back to Boise with our Mt. Rainier on top of our TDI Jetta. It looked kinda goofy, but 35 mpg average on the way home wasn't a bad way to do it. Bobby was great to work with and CVT is a class act alright. We set our tent up twice already just to show friends and I can tell already it's gonna be tough to fight off the lookie-lou's. Lot's of questions about the tent...but regardless, super cool. Thanks again Pritch for setting this up.
Agreed! (again!!)
The folks at CVT have been great to deal with also.
I ordered my tent last week, Ian said that I would get a confirmation and tracking number.
I got the confirmation of payment, but didn't recieve a tracking number. So yesterday afternoon I called CVT.
I didn't get an answer (it was around 1600 their time) and figured either I missed them for the day, or they weren't in on weekends. So I left a brief message with my concerns, and that I would try and call Monday.
Ian had said there was a good chance that the tent would arrive before the 4th of July, and the wife and I will be out of town, and I wanted the tracking info to make sure I could have someone here for the delivery.
It wasn't more than 10 minutes after my call, that Bobby called me back! He said my tent had shipped, and he would get me my tracking info sent out today!
Sounds like this group buy generated some good business for them!
And with the customer service I have seen so far, I will be doing biz with them in the future! (wife really likes the awning/screen tent combo)
I never did receive an email for either tracking or a receipt (purchase order), but just got a call from UPS for delivery on the 9th - considering the holiday I am pretty happy with that...
Thanks again for putting this together Pritchnakoff!
Just got mine and the quality seems great so far. UPS knifed it with a forklift though, right through the base.
Shipment Progress
Location Date Local Time Activity Trailer
South Holland, IL, United States 07/02/2012 10:30 P.M. Shipment has arrived at a Service Center 726713 OVZZ
Portland, OR, United States 07/02/2012 7:00 P.M. Departure 726713 OVZZ
Portland, OR, United States 06/29/2012 12:00 P.M. A breakdown / mechanical failure occurred which may result in a service delay 726713 OVZZ
Portland, OR, United States 06/28/2012 11:50 A.M. Departure 726713 OVZZ
Portland, OR, United States 06/28/2012 1:36 A.M. Shipment has arrived at a Service Center 281921 MTRG