CVT Group Buy!


Dr. Frankenstein
ahhh gotcha. I haven't totally had mine 100% put together yet. My truck is still getting put back together.


ahhh gotcha. I haven't totally had mine 100% put together yet. My truck is still getting put back together.

In those pictures above though I do not have it on those tabs. I should have to get the full height of the boat sides of the tent bottom. I am still figuring mine out, if anyone knows how to fold it with the annex support bar still attached I would like to know how. I removed it like it was for shipping each time I took down the tent.


New member
Ok first of all: Cutest. Little. Lifeguard. EVER!! What a doll, loved that pic. :)

I am also interested in taking up the annex room to make it shorter. I have the tent mounted to steel rails that attach on top of the bedrails of my Frontier, which makes the tent about 50 or so inches off the ground. Agree that the velcro strips inside don't take it up enough (and it also wrinkles up the doors.) Normally I won't mind to just leave it bunched up around the bottom, maybe with a river rock or something in each corner to keep it in place, but if it starts to rain...

Another thing with having it closer to the ground is that the ladder does not extend fully so it doesn't lock into place to stabilize the bed. We've been working on a couple ideas to deal with that, and if anyone else has ideas, I'd be interested to hear them also.

Overall, extremely happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to use it next weekend! Loving the pictures and hearing people's experiences. I shall contribute after my trip as well.
If I attached them right, here's a couple of pictures, without the annex room.
7-4-12 tent 2.jpg7-4-12 tent 5.jpg
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Ok first of all: Cutest. Little. Lifeguard. EVER!! What a doll, loved that pic. :)

I am also interested in taking up the annex room to make it shorter. I have the tent mounted to steel rails that attach on top of the bedrails of my Frontier, which makes the tent about 50 or so inches off the ground. Agree that the velcro strips inside don't take it up enough (and it also wrinkles up the doors.) Normally I won't mind to just leave it bunched up around the bottom, maybe with a river rock or something in each corner to keep it in place, but if it starts to rain...

Another thing with having it closer to the ground is that the ladder does not extend fully so it doesn't lock into place to stabilize the bed. We've been working on a couple ideas to deal with that, and if anyone else has ideas, I'd be interested to hear them also.

Overall, extremely happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to use it next weekend! Loving the pictures and hearing people's experiences. I shall contribute after my trip as well.
If I did it right, here's a couple of pictures, without the annex room.
View attachment 109907View attachment 109908

I was having the issue with the ladder as well. I see you have the collapsed sections in the middle. If you put them at the top it should allow the lower sections to lock, and the ladder to be firm support. You may end up with only slightly more angle than you have.

Edit: Thanks, he already is a lady killer. I cannot wait to see what his future brings.
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Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
.............. Mine is also going to be mounted on an M416, but my buddy and I are working on a way to get the floor of the tent up to at least the 6.5' that it is while on my H3. I needed to use those tabs to take up the slack on the top of my H3 this weekend.

I'm in the same boat. Right now, my (now sold!) RTT sat at 50" off the ground. (when on the lid of my M416)

I'm hoping to get it sitting lower for transport, (less drag/better MPG) and be able to lift the rack up to 6' - 6 1/2' to be able to use the annex properly.

Not sure what I'm going to come up with yet, but hopefully it will be easy! :coffeedrink:


New member
I was having the issue with the ladder as well. I see you have the collapsed sections in the middle. If you put them at the top it should allow the lower sections to lock, and the ladder to be firm support. You may end up with only slightly more angle than you have.

Edit: Thanks, he already is a lady killer. I cannot wait to see what his future brings.

Yes, we tried putting all the extra rungs at the top and at the bottom both. And you're right, when we put them at the top, we could extend the lower three rungs out enough so that they would lock, but the top three rungs will not lock in place no matter where we put them. It's like the dang thing is just right in the middle of the locking positions. It either tilts the bed up so it's not flat, or the ladder has to be at such an angle that it's literally outside the annex room! (The only way the top three rungs lock is if the ladder is extended all the way, maybe there's something wrong with the ladder?)
In any case, we're working on a type of brace that can be inserted between the top rungs to keep it from moving. Will let you know if it works. :)


Yes, we tried putting all the extra rungs at the top and at the bottom both. And you're right, when we put them at the top, we could extend the lower three rungs out enough so that they would lock, but the top three rungs will not lock in place no matter where we put them. It's like the dang thing is just right in the middle of the locking positions. It either tilts the bed up so it's not flat, or the ladder has to be at such an angle that it's literally outside the annex room! (The only way the top three rungs lock is if the ladder is extended all the way, maybe there's something wrong with the ladder?)
In any case, we're working on a type of brace that can be inserted between the top rungs to keep it from moving. Will let you know if it works. :)

We were having the same problems. I think it was something internal with the ladder because I sprayed some aerosol silicon into the locks of each rung and now the top locks in place when we've got three stacked together. I wonder if there was some manufacturer or shipping oil in there or something? My wife and I agree that the old style of ladder, while maybe not as cool, was simpler and more reliable. We'd definitely prefer it over this one. I'm still not 100% confident in this ladder. I'd hate to be in the tent and have the ladder fail and hurt our tent or ourselves. Hope this helps.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper

Got a call today from Magnum Trucking! (they must do the run from the UPS freight terminal) and my RTT will be here tomorrow around noon! I'm stoked!

Took almost 2 weeks to get here, but one of the UPS trucks had mechanical problems near Portland, OR.

Thanks for the tip 'mrwizard' ! Mine will be at 50" or so for a while, may have to do the aerosol silicone trick to my ladder if it's sticky.


Dr. Frankenstein
We were having the same problems. I think it was something internal with the ladder because I sprayed some aerosol silicon into the locks of each rung and now the top locks in place when we've got three stacked together. I wonder if there was some manufacturer or shipping oil in there or something? My wife and I agree that the old style of ladder, while maybe not as cool, was simpler and more reliable. We'd definitely prefer it over this one. I'm still not 100% confident in this ladder. I'd hate to be in the tent and have the ladder fail and hurt our tent or ourselves. Hope this helps.

Couldn't you just drill some more locking holes into the ladder??


The ladder that is on the tent I received does not use holes to lock, it uses a ring machined into the aluminum around the legs. Hers appears to be the same in the picture.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2


New member
Yes, mine is like the one in that link. I think the only difference is that the sides of that ladder appear to be smooth, and the sides of my ladder have many grooves/ridges running vertically all the way around them.
We were able to attach some braces to the ladder to support the bed and they seem to work well when we tested them in the driveway. I will let you know after this weekend how they fare during actual use. What's best about them is they are infinitely adjustable, so I can make them work anywhere I park. Also, I don't have to take them out every time because the ladder doesn't have to collapse all the way to still fit inside the cover. nice!


New member
I have another question too...

What are those long black straps for that are connected to the inside poles of the tent? I know you hook up the bungees to help keep the sides from billowing out when you fold the tent closed. But what do I do with those straps?
(and if anyone makes any reference to 50 Shades of Grey, I am SO breaking out my teacher-voice on you)


latybug...those are to help with entering and exiting the tent! They work! Tent looks good by the way. Where is the first outing going to be?

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