Derek's 'BST' Tundra Build


Ahhh you making me miss the tundra bring back this thread! 2000 and 2001 did not come with anything but the cool stick, all open end. 2002 is when the LSD showed up on the TRD models. I you my third out an brought it to a shop to have the ARB installed. I wasn't too comfortable with setting backlash at that time. I think it was $200 for the install, worth it for me. Other than taking the third out it was fairly easy and straight forward. Routing the air house and wires was the hardest part.


Ah, LSD on yours. Mine is a 2002 and has it. I thought I'd read somewhere the ARB wouldn't work on the LSD version, and I might need to trade it out for open. Now I can't remember where I saw that. Thanks for going down memory lane with me. Hope you are enjoying the FJ as much as you did the Tundra.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Ah, LSD on yours. Mine is a 2002 and has it. I thought I'd read somewhere the ARB wouldn't work on the LSD version, and I might need to trade it out for open.

Everything I've read and been told says that to put a locker in a LSD equipped Tundybird you have to swap out to an open diff as the ARB wont work with the LSD third member. That being said the LSD in Fafhrd is very tight (a lot like an Auburn) and I've never felt the need to go full locker even though my last truck was fully locked (Detriot in rear, E-Locker in front). But if my truck came with an open diff or if I ever need to service/repair the rear axle I would have gone for a selectable locker as an upgrade.


Ah, LSD on yours. Mine is a 2002 and has it. I thought I'd read somewhere the ARB wouldn't work on the LSD version, and I might need to trade it out for open. Now I can't remember where I saw that. Thanks for going down memory lane with me. Hope you are enjoying the FJ as much as you did the Tundra.

I'm enjoying it! If you are going to install an ARB you will be fine if you have an LSD already since the ARB replaces the whole stock carrier, or the whole LSD unit, your ring gear bolts to the ARB unit. You cant install an automatic locker like the powertrax into an LSD rear end, only an open end. I rather have an LSD then an auto locker though!


Exactly what Derek stated. The only time you need an open carrier is if you are installing a lunch box locker (lock right, powertrax, etc.) These units replace the spider gears within the carrier assembly (this is the part the ring gear bolts to). Other lockers, LSD's, posi's such as a Detroit Locker, Truetrac or ARB, replace the carrier assembly completely and require additional tools and labor.

I have both the factory LSD and a Detroit Locker. Trying to debate which route I want to go.....decisions decisions.


Exactly what Derek stated. The only time you need an open carrier is if you are installing a lunch box locker (lock right, powertrax, etc.) These units replace the spider gears within the carrier assembly (this is the part the ring gear bolts to). Other lockers, LSD's, posi's such as a Detroit Locker, Truetrac or ARB, replace the carrier assembly completely and require additional tools and labor.

I have both the factory LSD and a Detroit Locker. Trying to debate which route I want to go.....decisions decisions.

Thanks guys! I will go ahead and order the ARB locker then. Getting parts together for the truck, and already have an ARB compressor I was going to add. Thought, what the heck...why not just do the locker now too. Unless....I was going to need to head to the junkyard to search a new diff. What's a locker when you're already adding a new suspension(leafs and UCAs too), wheels and tires, and a compressor. Heck, after that, I'll only need bumpers and a winch then done! Right.


Sounds good! I loved my ARB, worked great and sounded cool when the compressor came on. It's like 4wd, might not use it all the time, but sure is nice to have when you slide off the road in Truckee into a snow ditch!


Bumping a classic thread. Been doing a lot of research on my upcoming project and really enjoyed reading through this build in its entirety. I appreciate the slow progression as your needs change and developed. I built my last truck in a rapid fashion, and I felt that it was not as satisfying as previous builds that were slower and evolved progressively. Anyways a couple questions, in your research is the only option for rear leafs to go with a custom pack? I will be hauling a RTT and a bunch of gear. I've heard Deavers sag and don't want Chevy 63's, did you find/read about any other solutions? I've heard the All-Pro Expo packs for the Tacoma are the same length and might work. Just not sure with the strange rear shackle design.

Also, did you have to move anything to get that 2nd battery installed in there? I recall off the top of my head that mine does not have that much space behind the airbox (04' A/C limited)



I will be hauling a RTT and a bunch of gear. I've heard Deavers sag and don't want Chevy 63's, did you find/read about any other solutions? I've heard the All-Pro Expo packs for the Tacoma are the same length and might work. Just not sure with the strange rear shackle design.

Just be careful...Not only should they be the same (or close to the) same length as the Tundra springs, you should try to match the front-eye-to-center-pin, and center-pin-to-rear-eye lengths...The overall lengths may be the same, but the center pins may be located in different spots along the pack. Also, you should find out the spring rates for both the Taco and Tundra packs...I would guess the Tundra packs would be higher...While the Taco packs might fit, and work, I would guess with a lower rate, they would flex better, but for daily driving and hauling stuff, you may end up in a worse situation, unless you add AAL's or helper springs...Which seems like extra work and $$, just to get you back to where you could just do the same to your existing Tundra packs...
Although you COULD possibly take apart both the Taco and Tundra packs, and add some of the Taco leaves into your Tundra packs...???

Also, did you have to move anything to get that 2nd battery installed in there? I recall off the top of my head that mine does not have that much space behind the airbox (04' A/C limited)

The space behind the airbox is where the ABS box is mounted...IIRC, ABS was only offered as an OPTION in '00, '01's...The first time it became STANDARD equipment, was ONLY on the '02 Limited AC Tundras. (Also, usually the ABS came together with Daytime Running Lights on '00-'02's).

ABS became standard on ALL Tundras in '03...While the DRL's remained as an option, instead of becoming standard equip...

So, having an '04, you more than likely DO have ABS, which indeed, unfortunately fills that nice, big, wonderful space that is perfect for a 2nd battery...


Just be careful...Not only should they be the same (or close to the) same length as the Tundra springs, you should try to match the front-eye-to-center-pin, and center-pin-to-rear-eye lengths...The overall lengths may be the same, but the center pins may be located in different spots along the pack. Also, you should find out the spring rates for both the Taco and Tundra packs...I would guess the Tundra packs would be higher...While the Taco packs might fit, and work, I would guess with a lower rate, they would flex better, but for daily driving and hauling stuff, you may end up in a worse situation, unless you add AAL's or helper springs...Which seems like extra work and $$, just to get you back to where you could just do the same to your existing Tundra packs...
Although you COULD possibly take apart both the Taco and Tundra packs, and add some of the Taco leaves into your Tundra packs...???

The space behind the airbox is where the ABS box is mounted...IIRC, ABS was only offered as an OPTION in '00, '01's...The first time it became STANDARD equipment, was ONLY on the '02 Limited AC Tundras. (Also, usually the ABS came together with Daytime Running Lights on '00-'02's).

ABS became standard on ALL Tundras in '03...While the DRL's remained as an option, instead of becoming standard equip...

So, having an '04, you more than likely DO have ABS, which indeed, unfortunately fills that nice, big, wonderful space that is perfect for a 2nd battery...

Regarding the leafs, good call on the pins and spring rates. Might just be better off getting alcans...

Stupid ABS... might just get it over with and pull the system and run a Wilwood proportioning valve. Seen a few builds lately with this and once its setup seems to be awesome. Especially with the added space under the hood.


Expedition Leader
You should me able to run two batteries in the stock location...?

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Tour Guide
Anyways a couple questions, in your research is the only option for rear leafs to go with a custom pack? I will be hauling a RTT and a bunch of gear. I've heard Deavers sag and don't want Chevy 63's, did you find/read about any other solutions? I've heard the All-Pro Expo packs for the Tacoma are the same length and might work. Just not sure with the strange rear shackle.

I know that AAL springs, are not a popular choice, however I have run them on a few vehicles with great results. Currently, I have them giving me 1.75" of lift in the rear of my '05 Tundra. The added height and pay load were just what I was looking for, and with new u bolts cost $100.00. I have had them on now for 1 1\2 years and have had the truck in some rough stuff and it flexed well, and I've seen no sagging yet.


All good points! And man you are bringing back good memories of a great truck :(. For springs packs I remember and really wanted a custom pack built by Alcan. I read good things and they build to your needs. But an add a leaf work well for me. I had the wheelers 3 leaf mini pack and still hauled a lot of weight from time to time with good ride. Just depends on the money you'd like to spend, but over all a long add a leaf or a mini pack like I had is a good all a rounder.

As for the dual battery, yes I had ABS and made room. If you look at where the ABS unit bolts to the fender you will see two two bolts/mounting holes. Unbolt the unit an move the outside hole to the inside bolt toward the engine. You will only have the unit healed down with one bolt but it enough and I never had a problem. I wasn't able to fit the same size battery that came with the truck, I used a little smaller one that I got from costco. Good specs for a small battery and is currently in my 83' and works great. I made my own mounting plate. Move stuff around and measure then buy your battery. Hope this all helps!


Oops, sorry all. Read threw my thread which I realized I didn't get back with pictures on a couple of request from others, sorry about that. Looks like it was the power steering fluid reservoir I moved over, not the ABS unit.


New member
To all those left out, overlooked, very capable 1st Generation Tundra owners, I present to you my ‘2000 Toyota Tundra build' (Say that five times fast). I've always wanted one of these trucks from the first time my Dad pull up the drive way in a shiny green one in late 99'; probably the first one bought in the Bay Area (now I realize why he told me to sweep out the garage-“I'll be back in a minute”). It took 8 more years till the day all my slaving paid off and I bought my Tundra in High School. Coming up on four years of a love and hate ownership I would like to take you on my journey of my never ending build. I hope I can inspire future Tundra owners and added to the wealth of information on this site. Here we go…

When I first bought it back in 2007 :victory:

Derek, I just made me an account on EP because of this thread. I have a red 2000 tundra limited 4wd also and I just hit 215,000 miles. I've owned it since '03 and I've loved this truck since day one. I plan on having it for the rest of my life and so for the first time in 11 years of owning it and not having to do one little bit of maintenance over stock other than a couple battery's, oil changes, an a couple sets of tires I haven't done a thing to it. It has a diamond plate tool box and a smittybilt brush guard but recently I have taken an interest in doing something to it to freshen it up. I've been looking at custom winch bumpers and such and will get one eventually, but the first thing I did was last night I installed new rear skyjacker shocks and an AAL that lifted my rear about 2". I wanted a little lift but mainly the towing. I have a 3" leveling kit for the front as well as skyjacker front shocks. I'm going to redo basically everything under the front end while I have everything torn apart to do the front shocks. My radiator sprung a leak a couple weeks ago so I have a radiator and timing belt and water pump I'm going to go ahead and replace because it's been over 100,000 miles since I did it last. I'm pretty sure that when I can afford it I'm going with FJ cruiser wheels that are the bronze color trd ones. Next I'll probably insulate the can and reupholster the front seats and get edgewater seat covers custom fit. I really want a Yakima rack to go on top of my cab also but am trying to find one used...a new house a new baby and a new car for the wife puts a hurting on the budget lol. I really love the effort you put into your truck. I wish I hadn't wasted a decade just leaving my truck stock. I figure that this truck will take me a close to a million miles because I've been doing a lot more driving recently and started really putting on some miles whereas ever since I bought me a new bike in '08 I put a bunch of miles on it instead to save gas. I eventually would like to SC my truck for added power and hopefully MPG if that's possible. It's time for a new exhaust and I liked the video of yours and also how it sounded in your snow vid on YouTube. I'll probably go with the JBA's and a magna or flowmaster. I have a couple questions, I didn't see if you said whether or not you removed your cats and also, did you use a wheel spacer to bring your tires out flush? If so what kind? I want mine to have a wider stance. Those are my only 2 questions but I'm sure I'll have more haha. I'm taking notes because I'm going to and already have started this journey.

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