The problem appears to be....Us!?!
So I have been reading the last dozen pages or so of this thread out of interest. I have a couple comments and maybe a question or two.
I would imagine that part of the issue (voiced I believe by Viggen) is something mentoined only once...Mind you I am a bit old fashioned in my beliefs so try and bare with me a little.
Diesels in general are more efficent. They also tend to last much longer than their gasser counter parts. So why do we choose, willingly, to buy a new vehicle avery few years? Cars are a little large to be considered disposable are they not? Not much resemblance to a ball point pen or a razor now are they? Growing up my father always influenced me to buy the "better quality" tools. If I couldn't afford them I would save up until I could get one. Quality, not quantity or a hope based on a warrenty, were what sold me on my tools.
So I ask, if diesels last longer, and perhaps cost a little more up front...Why do we compare them so much to their gas burning counter parts? I would feel the real and true "Value" of a vehicle would come from it endurance, as well as its performance.?.
The other question I have involves diesel itself...
It is my limited understanding that Diesel fuel, patroleum diesel fuel specifically, is LESS refined than gasoline..right? As I understand it diesel is fairly low on the the refinement scale in general? So my limited wisdom being what it is...why then is diesel MORE expensive to purchase??? Maybe I am wrong and maybe I missed some important fact. I don't deny the large possibility. But to me it would appear the a less refined product takes less effort and should cost less to produce...therefore, in theory would sell for less?
And last is my wonderment dealing with BioDiesel. This seems almost a circular discovery/use concept to me. Didn't Mr R. Diesel run his first engine on something made essentually from peanut oil or something? Hence, a Bio-fueld diesel was the first itteration. And given that technology is what it is today...One could easily believe that all those NASA scientists and engineers and think-tankers could honestly come up with a method of producing a Bio Diesel that does not require any assistance from its dead dino sibling? I am still in the learning phases of what Bio is, how it works, what it does and needs and what draw backs it may have. But there it is. It will and does work. Its not perfect...yet, but with little to no change it is feeasable to dump it in a truck and go. Supposedly it burns cleaner, give slightly more power, may raise the MPGs? Lots of stuff to be considered beneficial. Only major flaw (and maybe some minor ones too?) is the "Gelling" issue when cold...? As any that have read this so far have learned, I am no Rocket scientist. But even to my simple mind it seems that is an easier thing to fix or cure than how to dispose of the Lithium batteries that powered you electric hybrid car that have failed?? And that doesn't even go into the fact tha Lithium is even less common on earth, requires far greater effort to aquire and process... and then there is disposing of it..!?!
Maybe someone will be kind enough to point out my flaws and failures to understand stuff in general please? I'm all ears!:elkgrin: