Diesel News: POST HERE


Expedition Leader
And I agree that the numbers are crazy, that enough is already enough, and decreasing reliability to get some sort of advantage at the urinal trough is stupid...

OTOH, I've ordered a 2011 Ford PSD :)

*NICE*...good way to phrase that...haha!
So let me get this correct...Our Fathers (or grandfathers...Ulp!:smilies27) could put humans on the moon and we can't figure how to cap an oil well underwater.
The Germans developped both the old and current world record holders for vehicular longevety (was VW Bug, Now MB Diesel!) yet we modern folks insist on "new" vehicles and models every year!?! I just don't get it? And we don't just want the new saftey upgrades..we want more power!
Now I am about as far as humanly possible from one that embraces the foliage...ahem, but I would just think that with times as they are (and not getting better anytime soon!) I would think that we would be clammoring for a vehicle that lasts longer and has far better MPGs??? If one were unhappy with the dimentions of their masculine fallic appendages...they can buy some extendz or whatever with the money they save from buying that new car!
So how about instead of giving me a new model truck this year with 800ft lbs of torque and a heated koozie holder...What say the big 3 (or 4,5 or10?) start a battle for MPGs! Say give me a 3/4 ton truck that is all diesel with a realistic 3-400ft lbs to tow with and knocks down 100MPG!!! Is BioDiesel ready and will run 100% Bio with no issues! Fix THAT problem! And then if thats not enough testicular embellishment, how about make this vehicle last for...IDK, how about 20years/2 million miles before needing an engine or tranny??? NOW THAT would be a stimulus plan I could get behind!!!

cruiser guy

You mean like the design specs of a LandCruiser :victory:

I was just about to say the same thing!!

'82 diesel Land Cruiser pushing 350,000 miles (600,000kms). Purchased in '88 and used as the family vehicle and daily driver most of the time. I'd drive it across the continent today if I had a need or reason to and not worry about breakdowns. Driven for MPG I can get 25mpg. I can drive from Canada to Mexico on two tanks of fuel (and have some left over). I've towed my FJ45LV from Guatemala City, Guatemala to San Jose, Costa Rica (not fast but so what). I can head out wheeling with most moderately built rigs, but I try to avoid abusing my truck.

Show me ONE current production vehicle available in North America that can do what this will?
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Expedition Leader

You mean like the design specs of a LandCruiser :victory:

Don't get me wrong, I'm a Jeep guy. Always have been. But I am not one of "those" jeep guys that can't or won't give just...what do the kids say, Props? to other brands. That would be ingnorant. And I do enjoy some of the L/C stuff...I just find it sad that in our country we prefer to support OPEC and the big, stick it to us, oil companies over known technology. Everywhere else on earth but the US are diesel powered vehicles. We (the US) get stuck with the gassers of the same model...why?
If Yota made a good, easy to find, easy to repair super efficent diesel motor currently why not make it available? Landies had a nice TDI but it wasn't coming into the states. VW has a sick 12 cyl diesel that will just smoke most hot rods....but it didn't stick around. Mercedes B has been building them, better and better, for generations! How about letting me have a crack at one of those!?! The 3.0 in the Grand Cherokee is an outstanding motor. Lots of power, So smooth it is almost silly..but the US gets Auto only! And it is so dependant on input from other systems in the vehicle that even if I found a wrecked one I could never make it work in my old heeps...
Sorry guys, had to vent a little. I'm just tired of seeing the potential being ignored (or surpressed if your a CT person...haha) so the gas makers can keep making money. Diesel technology is, in my very humble opinion...where it is at. Bio is a fantastic "future fuel" that needs to have some of the flaws hammered out...but since we spend such obscene amounts of money capping a dino well...oops. there goes the bio money...


Expedition Leader
Ford confirmed today that 2011 Super Duty pickups with the Scorpion 6.7L V8 diesel built after Aug. 8 will produce 400 hp and 800 lb-ft of torque. Ford claims that the new "version 2.0" engine management software increases fuel economy a little, too.

To go with the power increase, the Super Duty F350 pickup with dual rear wheels will receive an upgraded frame crossmember that increases cargo capacity to 7000 lbs, and 5th wheel towing capacity to 22,600 lbs.

Owners who already purchased a 2011 Super Duty model will receive a free software upgrade to raise the power output of their engines. The upgrade program will begin later this month. A frame upgrade won't be offered!

No mention was made of a power increase for the Super Duty cab/chassis, just the pickups.

This link contains an interesting graph that shows how the power output of diesels used by Ford has changed over the years. The story starts with about 325 lb-ft of torque in 1982. The first Power Stroke model was introduced in 1993, with 400 lb-ft. The 500 lb-ft mark was reached in 1999, 600 lb-ft in 2008, and now 800 lb-ft in 2010. Unbelievable!



Likes to Drive and Ride
I figured that was coming... Ford wants to be the biggest diesel dog on the block. Good for them, I want one. :)


Expedition Leader
MPG for me...

The only thing I would be impressed with is a manufacturer that can double their MPGs in their diesel...or tripple it? Why does it matter if you can tow a fully loaded cargo ship behind you...How about tow a camper and still knock down 30-35MPGs! That would get MY attention!


SE Expedition Society
I was just about to say the same thing!!

'82 diesel Land Cruiser pushing 350,000 miles (600,000kms). Purchased in '88 and used as the family vehicle and daily driver most of the time. I'd drive it across the continent today if I had a need or reason to and not worry about breakdowns. Driven for MPG I can get 25mpg. I can drive from Canada to Mexico on two tanks of fuel (and have some left over). I've towed my FJ45LV from Guatemala City, Guatemala to San Jose, Costa Rica (not fast but so what). I can head out wheeling with most moderately built rigs, but I try to avoid abusing my truck.

Show me ONE current production vehicle available in North America that can do what this will?

My 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD comes pretty close

You need to clarify your trip from Canada to Mexico...are you starting out with a full tank of fuel and then filling up twice? So you are using 3 tanks? If you are using 2 tanks you got a big *** tank on your L/C. And I can;t compete with that...my CRD has a 21 gallon tank.

My CRD range is about 500 miles a tank....I have a 2010 ML350 BlueTec and its range is between 600-650 miles. I can drive from Greenville, SC to Detroit on one tank.

Both vehicles share the 3.0L Mercedes. The Jeep unfortuntely has a 5 speed tranny so it has higher rpms than the 7 speed ML350 at highway speeds.

The Jeep is a truck and the ML350 is a car....



Expedition Leader
Both vehicles share the 3.0L Mercedes. The Jeep unfortuntely has a 5 speed tranny so it has higher rpms than the 7 speed ML350 at highway speeds.

So your Jeep has the 5 speed auto??
I really wish they would offer the Jeep/MB diesel in the states with a 5..or 6speed manual!!:wings:


How about tow a camper and still knock down 30-35MPGs! That would get MY attention!

While offering excellent efficiency, a diesel expedition vehicle towing a trailer could never come close to that, no matter what size the engine. I just got 34/35 MPG on a trip with my E320 CDI with a car top carrier in place driving about 70. Getting 20-25 towing a trailer with a truck would be great! You'd never get 30-35.

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