Ooooooh ! I see, now.
Mine never gave me any real problems, but then I tried my best to stay on top of the maintenance, religiously - even changing dealers to try to get better care. There were only a couple of things worth mentioning: LR does not note repacking the wheel bearings in their service schedule and I found that out the hard way (but they are really good bearings for having lasted so long !), thinking that the dealer was taking care of those things, as that is what I had requested and thought I was paying for (remember, I bought the car new) and I did have the servicing done by them until learning that hard lesson. The other was getting the ECM wet about 40 miles from nowhere out in the woods here, but then that only prompted the diesel conversion, whereupon all servicing was done at home
I agree that maintenace is key to enjoying them. It's all a part of the British car experience (have had several Lotus cars, too...).
That being said, it seems that folks might be calling these cars less than reliable, when they bought them from neglectful owners ? (care seems to decline with the number of owners)
To care for them correctly is not inexpensive, but it can be done well with an eye on costs.