My "new" 07 LR3
For anyone that cares or can learn from my recent experience, I've decided to jot down a “journal” of my recent LR3 purchase.
My Land Rover history:
1990's - purchased a new Disco I - great vehicle, used it in stock condition off road very hard. Started local Land Rover Owner's Club (The Arkansas Land Rover Association (ALRA) - had a great time!
Late 90's - purchased two Series rovers (one diesel and one petrol) - refurbished them myself (mainly wiring harness upgrades, body and cosmetic work), drove each for a year or two and sold for nice profits to Rover people.
2000's - purchased a new Disco II - mainly my wife's car (as I was commuting and traveling)- had so many electrical problems from the onset that it qualified as a “Lemon” under the Lemon Law and was bought back by Land Rover North America. Took a break from Rover after being burned…
2009- purchased a used 2006 LR3 for family hauler and occasional off-road use. Had a few issues (the usual air suspension, control arms and fuel tank sensors) but overall a great vehicle.
2013- traded above for a new 2013 LR4. Its a real beauty. Wife mainly drives kids and won't let it off-road. Believe it or not, it also has nearly 2 years left on an extended warranty that transferred just fine.
Present - After seeing what my local LR dealership owner did with a 2005 LR3 with 150K miles, I got the itch. He took a pristine one (I know, how can 150K miles be pristine) in on trade and decided to clean it up, and outfit for off road use mainly for dealership off-road rally's and for his teenage son to drive.
I set out searching eBay, CarBuyer, calling dealerships, but finally through Craigslist found a good candidate. I wanted to stay around 2006-2008, with under 80K miles and around $15K for price. After a long search, 6 weeks ago, I located a privately owned 2007 LR3 SE Black/tan, nearby with 60K miles, with price right on target, and even has a couple years left on an extended warranty that it transferable. Drove to see it in Memphis and was shocked to see it looked almost new. I don't think its ever been off-road, and the interior is honestly pristine! It has new-ish Toyo street tires, recent new rear brakes and suspension compressor. Hood recently replaced due to tree limb damage during ice -storm. This was a lucky little bonus because the hood is beautifully new, even the LAND ROVER lettering in new! At some point the passenger air bag on the dash cracked, so there was a new dash installed, also a nice bonus - looks new. Previous owner also recently alternator and battery.
With initial driving, I noticed a familiar front suspension “clunk” of worn out control arms and could sense that the front brakes needing replaced. Also was concerned about a "faint whining/ metallic grinding noise" coming from the rear diff. region. So in the first week, it went to the dealer to replace front brakes, front control arms, bushings and necessary bits, rear differential and entire fuel tank (due to the familiar LR3 problem of failed fuel sensors). Ouch! But can you believe that the extended warranty paid all except my deductible and the brakes!
Got it home and started looking her over, After waxing and detailing, it looks like its off the show-room floor. I love a good application of Meguiar's black treatment to all the faded black plastic parts to make them look new again.
Last week, I installed Land Rover rear ladder from BPUtah and over the last two weeks found some original rubber mats, rubber cargo mat, full length Land Rover dog guard and genuine hitch on Craigslist for significant savings and have installed those. I have two big dogs and a couple of teenagers so these will help protect the carpets/interior and help me haul my trailer.
Have been tinkering as follows:
-Needed new hood struts, so found some good, cheaper ones on Amazon and have installed those.
-Front fog lamps were fogged up, so removed each, dissembled, cleaned and re-installed. They look clear like new.
-Removed all the interior door handles, tightened any loose screws on the anchored2 door half of the handles, sprayed edges with silicone spray lubricant and “squeaky, plastic” door handle noise is gone! Saw that tip in these forums, thanks!
-I've always been annoyed at the low volume and location of the aux audio input on the back of the center console. So after some research I ordered a “SoundShocker Pro” from eBay. I removed portions of the trim around the radio and the center trim around gear selector, as well as the face trim on the back of the center console. I popped out the aux input “box”, covering the small triangular space left with some electrician's tape - hardly noticeable. I plugged an audio cord into the aux port and tucked these connections into empty space in the back of the console. I ran the audio cord through the console towards the front, plugged the Sound Shocker Pro inline, hid it in empty space down in front of the gear selector under the trim. I then drilled a small hole into the inner side of the trim just next to left cigarette lighter, and ran a flush mount “iSimple” female aux. input port. I now have access for my music right up front and the Sound Shocker has significantly raised the volume of the aux input and it uses no batteries or power what so ever.
Finally, this weekend, changed cabin air filter, engine air filter, and DIY oil/filter change. Not afraid as needed down the road to take on brake pad changes.
Its been a busy and expensive couple weeks. I found a used set of identical 18" genuine rims on CL for a great price, so as I save up, I plan to get some BFG All Terrain TA/KO 265/65/18 on these rims for winter and off-road use, and keep the nearly new street tires for the long summer road trip vacations. I'm looking at adding a Baja Rack and thinking about the A-Frame brush bar with fog lights. I like the “original” look. Tossing around the idea of dual battery setup, but still researching.
This will be my daily driver for the foreseeable future and can't wait to head out to the woods.
I really love driving and tinkering with these vehicles! With all my history with Rover, I remain loyal to the brand and really impressed with the ability and innovation of the LR3.