Decided I needed further baseline info on the suspension so another articulation test is in order. At this point it is 37" tires at 30 psi. Stock suspension except bilstein front shocks. Weight 9000 lbs.
Here are all the details I could gather:
Articulation 19"
LF Tire to bottom of grey trim clearance 7.5"
LF axle on bump stop
LF Shock eye to eye 15"
RF Tire to bottom of grey trim clearance 14"
RF axle to bump stop 3 1/4"
RF Chock eye to eye 20"
LR Tire to bed Clearance 12"
LR axle to bump stop 2 3/4"
LR Shock eye to eye 19"
RR Tire to bed clearance 4 1/4 "
RR axle to bump stop 1/8"
RR Shock eye to eye 16"
Took some time for a weekend trip to Southern Utah in my Jeep XJ this weekend: