Doc's 05 Tacoma Build Thread

Dave Bennett


I am really enjoying your build and hope to do something similar once the economy picks up. I hope you are bringing it to the OvExpo in April so i can get a look at the finished product.


Thanks Don, we intend to be there :)

Welcome to ExPo!!!

Will the placement of the Action Packers make it difficult to walk from the tailgate to the 'flipped open' part of the bed? Or will everything be removed when set up...


They are removed in camp. The spot where they are stored will be the carpeted walkway for entry and standing inside. It will lead forward to a small step up that I am designing to make it easier to get in and out of bed.
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Dave Bennett

Interior Build Continued...

More progress today :costumed-smiley-007

Left side storage box is complete and allows access to the bed side storage bins. I also saved some weight by making it "3 sided".
This box also serves as a bench on that side.

This shot shows how the module is designed to slide out when I need to use the truck to haul things.
It is light enough to be easily taken out by one person and will ultimately be secured to the bed via bolts that would need to be removed to take this module out.


Expedition Leader
Isn't it nice indeed, Mr. Kuenzli!

I am unbelievably jealous at what he has accomplished. I know this will suit his family well for years to come.


Expedition Leader
They are removed in camp. The spot where they are stored will be the carpeted walkway for entry and standing inside. It will lead forward to a small step up that I am designing to make it easier to get in and out of bed.

That is all good most of the time....but have you considered security? Leaving things outside the truck while you sleep could end with your things being stolen. 90% of the time it would never happen...and it depends what you use the truck for and where you take the truck. Most but not all places in the USA you won't have to worry about this...a few places in the USA yes it should be a concern. For trips outside the USA security should be a high priority. IMHO of course... :)


American Adventurist
Score -- you have removed all doubt from any admirer's of your rig now.

Looks to be good for at least 20 more HP, too! :smiley_drive:

Dave Bennett

Overland Navigator

Just purchased the software, global satellite maps, and SoCal maps for my new netbook based nav system... stay tuned! :drool:

The beauty of the netbook option vice a full size laptop is there is no need for an intrusive mount and such - they are small and light enough to literally velcro to your dash if you had a flat spot.

I will be using a piece of aluminum formed to fit and bolted into the dash like offroader did:


Maximum use of available space, great view, and no interference with the co-pilots space. And it will play Disney movies for the wee one or act as my iTunes library when on road trips :)
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