DefaultHere is a link to what I purchased:
I am using the POR-15 as a base coat with the Chassis Black as the top coat. I am using Marine Clean and Metal Ready for prep, although the Metal Ready is really only necessary for bad rust/bare metal IMO. Gloves, mask, and a few cheap small brushes and small disposable rollers with a small tray from the local hardware store and you are GTG.
BTW, the 4ox cans are quite small but the beauty of that is that it allows you to do individual sections with minimum waste of paint. It also makes it really easy to manage
I think I can hit up the sliders and most of the frame with this six pack, two six packs is PLENTY to do the entire frame and all.
When you treated your frame with much "extras" did you strip off the frame to access and cover properly...
I just ordered some multipacks with the Marine Clean and Metal prep and am wondering how much access I need to do a thorough job...
Then I rotated the tires, pulled the drums and inspected the rear brakes and verified about 50% remaining on the shoes at 80k which aint bad.
Did you already need to replace the front disc pads on your Tacoma?
It's amazing what careful, conservative driving can do to help preserve your vehicle.
This made me chuckle!
Hey now!
YouTube - Shaddap You Face - Joe Dolce[/url]
Doc, I think you have a great starting point for you with your 05. However, I really like the RPK, Well, except when they were pointed at me. Anyways, welcome Doc, and remember "If you ain't CAV you ain't Sh@#". Glad to have ya here, Semper Fi. Tu Compadres, Suty. 3/2 Cav