Are you running all your house power to the NL power pack, keeping the winch and aux driving lights tied to the starting battery, or some other combo?
Yes, all "house power" needs like fridge, LED lighting, and air compressor are drawn from the NL power pack.
Winch, Lightforces, stereo, CB, and any future in-cab power needs will all be drawn from the Die Hard Platinum/OEM charging system under the hood.
The X-Jack looks alot more compact than a hi-lift, and safer too.
I like the addition of the RV level. I've been using two levels inside the cab, one level just below my dash and one on the B-piller for a few years now.
I also carry two Fiamma Level-Up ramps to alleviate looking for rocks, especially in the dark. If my camp site isn't level, I make it so.
The X-Jack is a really slick piece of gear. Lighter and safer than a Hi-Lift and easier to carry, it does it all.
I have a Lev-O-Gauge in the cab as well as the RV level in back. I need to get some of those level up ramps since rocks can be a PITA...
Decide on a water storage/delivery system yet?
I'm still looking, key for me is fitting it in where I have space. Equipt has a really nice footwell water tank and a couple other options from Frontrunner that look promising. AT has one hell of a hot water shower system too.
All in good time, I'm running out of things to add...