Thanks Brett for signing up.
On regards to a battery, the Sears Platinum group 31 that Mike is using is very nice.
Can you also use say a cheaper group 31 AGM with good results?
My local Les Schwab tire store stocks lots of batteries there.
Hi Corey
this is an excellent question, AGM in any brand is a very good choice of battery they can take a deep discharge and stand up to the tough stuff you put them thru.
i will be expanding on this excellent question in the near future so everyone get get a clear and detailed understanding of battery choice.
But for now just so people know and have feedback here in Australia we have chosen EXIDE batteries they have a good solid track record producing quality batteries.
the ones we have used when doing field testing in real world condition are Exide Stowaway leisure cycle gold part no ST27DC105 and Exide stowaway silver ST27DC95 and the other part numbers are MSDC31 and ST31DC120 and XMC31 megacycle
i will ask Exide Australia to confirm if the exact same batteries are available in the USA and if so what is the Part no of these batteries.
once i have this information i will post it up so people get a clear and detailed understanding of battery choice
Brett from Ark