Peak, very good post.
I have received some flak on a few other sites about how I should build my own, but I do not have time, and I like how this unit is ready to go except for having to put the battery in it.
Brett, do you think your company may be building your own charge controller kind of like the Goal Zero one I posted earlier?
Two more days to go and mine will be here
Getting flak? I really see this as a great opportunity to get a product that will surely become more expensive after it catches on. If you only had one rig, and it was dedicated to expo or wheeling and you had a safe place for another battery, then a hard wired system might make sense. However, the portability makes this guy very useful for:
Using it in different vehicles or being a good friend to let someone "borrow" it (very good friend)
power outages (although rare, it's a lot smaller than having a generator in the garage and worrying about fuel going old)
One more toy that doesn't get sold with the truck down the road and can be moved to the next one (if I ever sell or vehicle is totaled)
One more toy that doesn't get stolen out of the truck when it's not needed, not to mention the extra weight of a 2nd battery
Ability to jump start a vehicle in a hard to reach spot. ( I dealt with this with my Supra and I had to SLOWLY push it out of the garage by myself using chock blocks every few inches) or a dead battery on a lead vehicle on a narrow trail.
The down side is that it will most likely not be in the vehicle if an emergency jump start is needed in daily driving, but if that concerns someone, then they can leave it in and charge it while driving.
Going to Sears to try and pick up a size 31 later today!