EarthRoamer XV-JP "Northwest Edition"


I have always enjoyed your build threads. I was petty excited to see where this was going. Sorry it ended up this way. I wish you the best for whatever happens next. Thanks again for your willingness to share and document your builds. Best of Luck.


omg. I thiught drugs were only legal in wa and co?!? If you had any thoughts about Dion being a respectable business person his post should put it all in perspective.


Rendezvous Conspirator

This is harder to read than the breakdown of that Jeremy guy who was using deposits from one customer to pay for materials for another, while living off the rest.


^ What the hell is your beef with this build? You already came in here and trash talked everyone you could with no basis, and here you area gain spewing negativity. I came here when I saw you'd posted, expecting it. What's your angle? First you try to trash talk Paul Jensen with absolutely no basis, and now you're back saying Mike deserved to be taken like this? You must be one seriously unhappy person in life. I hope whatever is causing you to be so bitter can be resolved, no one deserves to be that unhappy in life.


Mike's build took a left turn, most of us feel bad for him(myself included), but there are always two sides to every story, neither my responses nor the several above are going to do anything except get this thread locked, because now there too many daggers being thrown.

I'm out

Good luck Mike, I know it sucks, but don't lose focus-life is short-its just a jeep(admittedly a really cool and expensive one), come up with a recovery plan, execute it and roll on.

Sent from my Passport


i think these two characters deserve each other. one certainly has more money than sense, and the other more naivete than a trustafarian. at least they only screwed up one marriage.

Fog Cutter, the comments you have made in this thread say much more about your character than they do about Mikes...


I've been a member for a while but I don't post much.

I just finished an epic marathon reading this entire thread in one sitting. . . a fracture in your spine provides ample opportunity for reading. I must say, although sad for the pain the latest "chapters" of this thread has brought, this reads better than any fiction being written by a major publishing house.

My sympathies to Mike at the “loss” of the “Jensen”. Hindsight and all that, something as unique as this was perhaps been better thought of as a collector edition versus a travel model? Or at least better suited for a dry versus wet climate?

So although I didn’t see the benefit (function) versus value (cost) and it always felt like $$$ was no issue - (when you sign the checks, you get what YOU want ) … handcrafted exotic woods for the interior of an expedition vehicle in the Northwest? Why not! And then I read further…

Then, when Mike announced he was going to "improve" upon the previous work - I thought "oh no! How can you tear that up?" (Arguing with myself over the idea of keeping the "Jensen" alive for future generations to drool over.) And then I read further…

I can attest to having been distraught over the destruction of the Wrangler (ER). As an object of art whose wonderful craftsmanship was being torn apart, it candidly also aligned with my confusion over why make something too aesthetically beautiful when, while visiting mother nature, she'll all but guarantee that it will get torn up, ruined or broken. At least that was what I was thinking as the story developed around Paul's work. And then I read further…

Okay, salvage the old ER model with a new AEV-modified Wrangler. Makes sense. And then I read further …

Torn up indeed. As in who compares themselves to Nicholas Tesla ? (okay, Elon Musk) But ******? I would ask if too much fiberglass resin was inhaled but obviously the story suggests not near enough was applied.

Freaking everybody has dreams. But to suggest that “I did this so I could follow my dreams and create something so radically different than what is being produced today.” is pure Iowan manure. What was going to be so radical (lying about business activities certainly isn’t). Creating a roof that rises on both sides has certainly been done before. Radically different is original. And other than the versions of the stories passed along to Mike to convince him this wasn’t a hole in the water in which to continue throwing more $$$, this is just another very sad story of someone’s trust and likely generosity being taken advantage of. Nothing original there. And then I read further …

Other than maybe envy? A member is considerate enough to share his experiences in creating a one-off rig and someone tries to grow a pair – on line no less – and “attempt” to rip the OP on his decisions?

There are those of us who were fortunate enough to be raised with class. And then, well their comments speak for themselves.


Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
This is harder to read than the breakdown of that Jeremy guy who was using deposits from one customer to pay for materials for another, while living off the rest.
Off-topic but who is this other Jeremy guy?

i think these two characters deserve each other. one certainly has more money than sense, and the other more naivete than a trustafarian. at least they only screwed up one marriage.
Sadly, I don't think you know Mike at all.

For all the many thousands of hours and dollars I have put into Mike's Jeep...
Wait, it's taken you "many thousands of hours" to;
#1 remove the cabin interior
#2 remove the cabin from the Jeep
#3 and add an 8" section to the camper top ????
Or are you also including all of the hours spent dreaming up ways to delay and mislead Mike, leaving his Jeep to sit in the same state in which it was over 7months ago?

Overall, so incredibly disappointing, maybe even criminal, to see Dion Kranz from Red Cannon Expedition failing to deliver on work set forth in what sounds like a documented contract/email communication, using Mike's Jeep funds for Red Cannon Expedition's own uses, and in general throwing away the chance to build one seriously bad *** Jeep expedition vehicle. :squint:


Custom Builder
Sadly, I don't think you know Mike at all.

Mike is 1%er...

To me that means of the rare few, who is trying to advance the design and construction of custom vehicles and is willing to pay for them... An overthinker who sometimes needs to be reeled back in and re-connected to ground... Brilliant and generous with his knowledge... Put him together with me and my "skill set" and expect something to be re-defined...

I am grateful to infinity, for the oppertunity to work with him on multiple projects... Being in the creative process with him simply does not get any better... He knows what he wants, is open to suggestions, and is generous in creative interpretation and support... Thank's Mike...

For Dion, or anyone, to over-promise to the extent in this project, is criminal... Beyond criminal, evil... Delusional... To not deliver to even the lowest expectation, is a death sentence to Dion's future as a custom builder... It's over, put a fork in it... Now set the lawyers loose...

Hang tough, Amigo...

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