I wouldn't want anything bigger, the EarthRoamer is a bit big & tall for my taste. I would destroy it going the places I like to go. What is it with bloated American vehicles?
Bloated American vehicles...
you need to look at the thread from the German Allrad show, or any of the threads that show the Unicat UniMog Mann Tata rigs that are built in Europe for Africa.
Those are way bigger than an Earthroamer.
Having traveled Baja with an Earthroamer in my group and watching them go pretty much everywhere I went in the Sportsmobile I am very impressed by the rigs.
Sure low hanging branches and building overhangs might be an issue but the person who pays for it learns such things.
This idea that something that isn't right for YOU just isn't right at all is messed up.
Personally I doubt I will ever ride a bike as a long distance camper, but I love the fact that there are people that do, that there is an industry to support them and places to ride. And who knows maybe there will be some gear or knowledge drift that will help me out...like the Continental Divide Route..started as a hiking trail, then biked, then moto's and then I got to 4wd from Canada to Mexico..nice!
This idea of raising yourself up by tearing others down is childish. If you don't like something fine, if it isn't for you fine..you are within your domain to say so. But to say it can't "offroad" or "bloated Ameican vehicles" just isn't cool.
There isn't one perfect standard, thank the Lord, there are buggies, and class A RV's and everything in between...to each his own and good on anyone who can make a living helping folks enjoy the outdoors.