Eurosonic's Montero 2.5Gen Build Thread


Expedition Leader
Time to break out the Costco sized box of desiccant packets...

FWIW, I searched online and found this via Yahoo Questions...
What should you do if your car was completely submerged in water?
[/h]My brother in laws car was completely submerged in water for about 4-5 hours before we had it pulled out. What should we do now? How long should we wait before trying to start it? any tips or ideas would be helpfull. The car is a chrysler 2002.

Was it salt water? If so its done, forget about it. If not try this. Get the engine running asap. Change the engine oil, get a new battery, pull the plugs and spin the engine over to get the water out of the cylinders. If it was submerged you have water in there. Hook up a seperate fuel tank to run the engine off of. If it is fuel injected you may just have to hook up the fuel to the pump and get it going. If its a carb you will have to clean it out. Once that is done put the plugs back in and try to start it. If the engine starts then start drying out the car. Pull the rugs, leave it all open to ventilate. Then change all the fluids.

And then on



Expedition Leader
thanks Outback for the spoiler. I was gona do a nice write up on the water submergence technique....jk

But yea, I was crossing the river, everything was going well until I hit a sink hole, deep sinkhole (you can see how deep on the spare tire). Nevertheless, the rig was still going, climbing out. Eventually it was just too much tirespin. So all that with loose river bed surface = Yota to the rescue.

If it wasnt for the snorkel, I wouldve flooded the engine. Afterwards still did some wheeling, exploring then drove 75 miles back home.

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Expedition Leader
totally worth it



Expedition Leader
If it wasnt for the snorkel, I wouldve flooded the engine. Afterwards still did some wheeling, exploring then drove 75 miles back home.


That's totally awesome it still ran afterwards.

This is why you're supposed to cross the river on foot before driving through it... I know it would have been a royal pain and was probably freezing water too!!

I'm sure you know you need to make sure all the electronics are dried out which may take a while, unless you can accelerate it... is your AC running? May be the perfect thing to take the moisture out of the air. I wonder if running it in the garage for a full tank's worth with the AC on will work?


Expedition Leader
That's totally awesome it still ran afterwards.

This is why you're supposed to cross the river on foot before driving through it... I know it would have been a royal pain and was probably freezing water too!!

I'm sure you know you need to make sure all the electronics are dried out which may take a while, unless you can accelerate it... is your AC running? May be the perfect thing to take the moisture out of the air. I wonder if running it in the garage for a full tank's worth with the AC on will work?

The car is chilling in my backyard with all the doors open and a disconnected battery. Im going to pull the carpet anyway, it was wet beforehand from the antifreeze.


Expedition Leader
There's no appropriate smiley for dying from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Only if one is dumb enough to stay in the garage while its running and close off all ventilation.:ylsmoke: Then I'd call that Darwinism.

Fresh water shouldn't be a big deal. I'd be more worried about the dead guy on the roof rack.
LOL. Well, you have to put him someplace I guess...


Expedition Leader
here is a quick vid of one of the many river crossings from last weekend.

will post more pics later
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Expedition Leader
Nice. How was the person filming things stabilizing the camera? I can tell it's in the rig in front but super stable.

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