Exped Storage Boxes

Desert Dan

Action Packers and Pelican Cases work for me. I have 2 Pelican cases (one for food and one for stove and pots and pans).

They are water and critter proof.

The large Action packer can be pretty heavy when loaded.

Sleeping Dog

Zarges, Pelican, Hardigg and the like all work well. They are available in a variety of sizes so they can be fitted for the items and or the rack/storage space.



For years I have used a Contico X-treme Tuff Box. It's strong, it's inexpensive, it has a key lock, and it holds a ton of gear.



It's perfect for when I'm going out with just the Tacoma (no trailer). My wife and I call it 'The Campsite in a Box'. It literally holds our entire campsite minus the food. In that box, we can fit our tent, our grill, cook set, therm-a-rests, sleeping bags, chairs, table, tripod, lantern, propane tanks, electric fan, camp tools, etc., etc.

The only bad thing is that IT IS HEAVY. You really need 2 fairly strong people to lift it when loaded. For the trailer, I've found this box to be too big and cumbersome for practical use. When in the trailer, it's difficult to find and reach what you need, and it's twice as hard to get in and out of the trailer. For the trailer, I've started using several smaller Action Packer boxes, and Pelican cases.



I use stormcase, and some Plastic Swiss Army cases. These are great, surplus but brand new, and cost only about 20.-- bucks each.. I'll try to take soem pics and load them up to post them. my old computer just won't let me from home.



I'm hoping there will be another container coming (gray ones, perhaps?) in the next months and Slee will have some more - but given the times who knows. I want two more as well. :)


Expedition Leader
these are the kind of containers that i hope to use (depending on their cost)...

These ones can be found here... http://www.buckhorninc.com/products/modular/modular-nesting-boxes.asp although I know there are many other sources for them.
These are very similar to the containers that local waste disposal companies use except these have a lid.

It's especially nice that they're available in a variety of sizes to meet your rig's needs. I'm not sure what size I'll get yet nor do I know if I'll go with the one with attached lids or ones with removable lids.


Expedition Leader
these are the kind of containers that i hope to use (depending on their cost)...

Those are the containers I use. Since they're designed for commercial use, they're a lot stronger than the ones you find at Home Depot, Staples, etc.

I missed out on the deal when Circuit City was liquidating it's assets. Some guy was selling a bunch of those shipping containers of various sizes; only thing was the Circuit City logo was silk screened on the side of the container. But hey, the price was right hence the guy sold out immediately.


I use those type of boxes - I use ones that are one size narrower than the sizes you see at Costco or Home Depot - and they are made of tougher plastic to boot - I can fit 4 across my 4 runner and they stack nicely - they aren't dust or water proof - but neither are the action packers these replaced. I use 4 of them for tools, spare parts, camping equipment and kitchen

Here is were i got mine - Distribution Container With Hinged Lid 21 1/2x13x11 7/8 Blue


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You could have "Gay Porno Star" printed on a good w/p container and for a good price I'd buy it..


I wanted something to go on the roof rack which was not too high in which I could store some camping gear and also recovery gear. These are fantastic..tough as nails and water and dust proof..





The reason I know they are so tough is that after taking these pictures, I started parking the car under the house but had forgotten to close the lid!!!!!!

It bent up the roof rack cage, straightened one of the turnbuckle hooks and popped the rivets on the tie down hooks I had fitted. The lid hinge held and is fine with only a small mark on the edge of the lid which hit the house!
Nugget, I have gone over the post and can't see if you posted it, but who makes those. I like them.
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