The whole travelling with a gun for protection is just so foreign to me, I just have never had an experience here in Australia or OS where it was ever an issue of any sort. Have you had the need to use a weapon for defence ?
Genuine question not having a go, just curious as obviously the American gun culture is very different than here. I understand the need/want for hunting
Anyway cool buildup can't wait for the next season of the show
Do you carry extra parts for your vehicle? What about recovery gear??? Do you always need all the crap you bring? NO. Is it nice to have when you need it? Hell yes. The same principle applies to firearms.
Have I ever had to use my weapon in a self defense situation? Nope, not yet, but if I ever do it will be on my right side ready to go ( I hope I never have to!).
The topic of self defense has nothing to do with "American culture". It has every thing to do with common sense. Why in the world would you leave on an expedition without parts, tools, and gear for your vehicle? You wouldn't. Same as I wouldn't leave my home without protection (i.e. a firearm). (it also has nothing to do with hunting, which I love as well).
Unfortunately the poor folks of England, Australia, and countless other places have been legislated into being victims.......and the U.S.A. isn't far behind.
Sweet build by the way.