Expedition Trophy 2007


TheRAMadaINN on Instagram
Scary stuff Jeffry, glad your little one is doing better.

Where can I get a table like the little girl is using? You can PM me to keep this thread on topic...


Active member
Glad to hear all is well Jeffry!




2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
Mlachica said:
Scary stuff Jeffry, glad your little one is doing better.

Where can I get a table like the little girl is using? You can PM me to keep this thread on topic...

thanks, she's fine now. Missed you this year, I was really looking forward to seeing the 80. Hopefully next year.


Active member
Did anyone get any good "painting the light on your rig" type of photo besides jeffrys above??


Brian McVickers

Staff member
Mlachica said:
Where can I get a table like the little girl is using? You can PM me to keep this thread on topic...

That table is a bit of a specialty item. They were specially designed to be lightweight compact and shorter, almost like a side table for camp chairs. The legs are aluminum and the top is a heavy nylon. The entire thing folds up to about 4" around by 18 inches long. They were in prototype stage for awhile, only certain people had access to them.

I found it at WalMart for $4.50!

Great Picture Jeff.
My best to the family and your little one!


Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Ursidae69 said:
For those wanting to get a blacklight like I had at camp to find scorpions, I bought mine at this link.

Got my Black light today. :wings: It took me about 30 seconds to find scorpions in my rock wall in the front yard. Tonight I found 7.:smileeek:

I don't think I'm going to sit on that wall anymore.

Very cool...Thanks Chuck!



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Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Willman said:
Did anyone get any good "painting the light on your rig" type of photo besides jeffrys above??


JP was taking some great painted shots at the second camp. hopefully he'll post few up. :Astrologist:


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Thanks for taking the time to share, Jeffry - so sorry to hear about your little girl. Wow - take care!

One thing shows from many of the photos from this year's Trophy: it's really turning into a great family event. Thanks everyone for bringing your little critters, it was fun to see several on their first camping trips - with dads!
(And very amusing to hear the 2M traffic: "I gotta pull of the road . . . we have a binky emergency." And I learned a great lesson: I'm traveling with the rigs with kids from now on, as they stop more often for p-breaks . . . the group we were with charged on forever, even skipped lunch - ack! - and every time I tried to stop to visit a bush, I could not seem to get out of range of all you dang photographers!)


Well, we may have stopped for lunch........if, "We are on the wrong road", might not have been muttered under a certain someones breath.:shakin: :shakin:


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
erin said:
Well, we may have stopped for lunch........if, "We are on the wrong road", might not have been muttered under a certain someones breath.:shakin: :shakin:

we were advised, however, that we wouldn't be to camp by noon.:oops:


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
Tucson T4R said:

Got my Black light today. :wings: It took me about 30 seconds to find scorpions in my rock wall in the front yard. Tonight I found 7.:smileeek:

I don't think I'm going to sit on that wall anymore.

Very cool...Thanks Chuck!




That's cool Brad.

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