The Land Cruisers have just cleared customs in Brisbane and we are getting ready to head to Australia. I am really excited about this segment, especially getting into the desert. Australia is such a beautiful place and filled with friendly, helpful people. We have nearly 4,000 kms of dirt tracks planned, doing a big loop through the Tanami, Great Sandy, Gibson and Simpson Deserts.
Kurt and I will be in Brisbane all this week working on the trucks at ARB Cooper's Plains. Would love to say hello to anyone in the area, go have lunch, etc. Going to be fun to get Greg, Jeremiah, Kurt, Bruce and the rest of the team in the trucks and in the outback
We have learned a few interesting things with this leg, one of them being fuel storage. We have 180L in each truck, but will need closer to 300L each for the Canning Stock (including a fill at well 33), so we are going to use 50L drums. Greg noticed them when he was there racing the Outback Challenge a few years ago. Much cheaper than buying NATO cans and they are 50L (can be topped to nearly 60). Since we wont need so many cans for future segments, this is a quick and inexpensive way to carry a big volume of diesel (or whatever) and then leave them behind. They typically hold race fuel and are sold in all major cities in Australia. Kinda cool and could be helpful to other travelers looking at the same issue.
We contacted Mark Tierney:
Race Fuels Pty Ltd
0419 511 517