Fueling up the drums in Sherpa II. We need a minimum of 1,250 km range for all of the trucks, including the 25% safety factor, and considering 20L/100km economy in the 1VDT V8 diesels. The deep sand will really tax the laden Land Cruisers. There are an estimated 1,000 dunes we need to cross, and only one semi-reliable fuel dump along the way in a small aboriginal community at well 33.

We are using 50L fuel drums and made a framework and multiple lashing points in the canopy. There are nine drums total, and they can take closer to 60L when topped-up
Each 70 series also has a 180L capacity in their main and sub tanks
The VDJ79 has the first Long Ranger unit ever produced. The VDJ78s have factory 90L main and sub tanks.