wow ..its not a fj anymore ....crazy cool build brother ....cant wait for some offroad pics .....j
Cool build!
Are you going to address the steering with all of this added travel? The stock rack, and tie rods are going to be the first thing to fail. Just a thought seeing that you put this much into it.
Also do you plan on caging the rig?
Why did it take so long to get the coilovers?
I'm curious to see how this performs over sometime! Sure has made me rethink somethings lol.
wow ..its not a fj anymore ....crazy cool build brother ....cant wait for some offroad pics .....j
No plans to address the steering at this point. CVs would probably the weak link, but we are working on some prototype ones with RCV to hopefully eliminate that issue. That leaves the front r&p and steering (as you've pointed out). Haven't heard of many folks racks going out, but have seen a few tierods go (just planning on carrying spares). Tundra rack might be a "bolt in alternative", but no immediate plans there and don't know if anyone thats tried it.
If r&p or the steering end up being major problems we'll address them as needed. However, I'm already envisioning the next phase of the build when I no longer have need for FJ as a part time daily driver (cross my fingers things hold up until then).
Next phase would be currie or dutchman independent front housing and move the front suspenion up an inch or two to clear 37s, different rear axle with a 4 link and pushed back and inch or two as well, fuel cell inside, cage, custom dash, and some weight reduction. Currently tho all thats outside of the scope of what we use the vehicle for now (travel a fair amount with 3 large dogs), so it will wait until we get a replacement vehicle which is a few years down the road.
Bypass shocks are what took so long (had a set of used 8" coilovers for the front & the 14" coilovers on the rear came within a week of ordering). No idea what SAW's deal is with getting bypass shocks out and why it takes so long. We ordered through Camburg and it was quite a headache.
In the end we didn't even get what we ordered (piggy back and they sent a remote reservoir). Unfortunately it will be a PIA to fit the remote reservoir (if we can even do so) and we've been told "we won't see a remote reservoir from SAW"...sending these back isn't apparently an alternative either.
Would have ordered through fox if I had to do it again (or perhaps ICON if they had better turn around times). Fox said they could have had them in 2 weeks from point of order and we were considering this when it was going on 3 months with little updates from SAW.
I would love to see someone ditch the stock front setup for a custom front completely but I think most of the guys willing to do that just go for SAS instead. The only thought in my head about that is how much more travel could you really gain and keeping roughly the same width. That is still a ways down the road, so no trying to reinvent the wheel just yet.
if i may, you may want to look at replacing those heims at some point with a better joint like a Currie johnny joint or similar style ball joint from Ballistic fab. reason i say this is those heims lack any way of getting lubrication short of putting some 3-1 oil on the exposed bearing and over time as they wear will start squeaking. i had a few heims on my jeep and after the first winter with the salt trucks causing the steel to pit, move and be repolished they started squeaking terribly.
otherwise, looks great!
That is an impressive build to be sure--unless you have an incredible source for highly discounted prices on the parts, I would imagine your cost of parts, fabrication, and installation exceeds the value of the vehicle.
Out of curiosity--what is/was the ultimate goal, and why did you choose the FJ as the basis?