Florida Tacoma build


Expedition Leader
LawBlazer said:
Drought hurting ya? It's been a tough year. Good luck and hopefully we'll get some rain soon.

No the drought has not hurt me. It was all the warm weather up north for so late in the season. No tourists in Fl until about 10 days ago. Now I slow again til xmas so another 3-4 slow weeks ahead.

Good news I got kinda the ultimate side job. I work for a guy who owns a small trucking company, 2 construction companies, and a trailer rental outfit. He is letting me work jobs into my schedule and I'm making 200-500 a day cash depending on the job. I think I'll stick with him even when things pick back up since the schedule and pay is good. It will help me raise the rest of the money I need to "finish" the truck (like they're ever done LOL!)

It is killing me to walk past the motor, ute bed, and other goodies I got in anticipation of the Baja trip. That is pk though it will make this coming years trip all that more special.

Hopefully the wife and I will make it out west this summer and we will leave the truck out west. This will make going to the next expo rally and the baja race next year easier from a time perspective.


Expedition Leader
Ha wish i has been sitting. I have been trying to get to the motor install. I finally got me garage in order 2 weeks ago and hopefully will get a chance to put in the motor in the next week or so.

Once that is in I will probably try to tackle the ute install after my 300 mile canoe race in march. I just have to much time going into training right now.


Expedition Leader
WELL!!! is the motor in (and I can't remember what you decided to go with 1KZt-E?) ??? Damn man I nearly forgot about this great truck you're building. :wings:




I posted this in a "pictures of your rigs" thread thinking I was still in this thread... whoops! :smilies27

All growed up in Baja between Puerto Penasco and El Gulfo


Really enjoying this thread.... looking forward to more.

One question, what towers do you have holding your Yakima MegaWarrior rack? It looks like they're adjustable, yes? How low/high can they sit off the bed sides (gunwhales)?

I'm thinking of doing something similar because my two dog crates take up the bed, and I want a rack that sits below the roof line to hold coolers, spare fuel, etc.


Expedition Leader
Sorry I did not see this when you posted but the rack is a Thule xsporter. Awesome rack very versitile and plenty strong for any RTT or Basket.


Expedition Leader
Reviving an old built thread of a really cool homegrown rig:

ANy progress on this awesome truck Nillifier??? I see you haven't posted in here in 2 years or so... SAD, I remember all the talk of the Cab swap, the Ute Bed, and the 1KZ-Te had me :drool: ing in a MAJOR way. I know teh Economy hit you pretty hard right??? Hope all is well with you and you get to get back to the truck sooner then later eh.



mojave joe

Early Taco Build

What a nice rig!
I have a 95 4x4 Taco, 2.7, auto trans. The truck has 272K miles on it, the head has never been off. I'm hoping to see another 100K. Unfortunately, it only has about 300 off road miles. I'm looking to improve that shortly.
I'm hoping you could tell me what are the weakest links in the chain (where to start the mods). 20 years ago I was rock crawling with a CJ, back then it was sliders, lockers and gears and you could do almost anything.
It's over whelming the stuff that is out there, a little advice would be appreciated....


Expedition Leader
Well it is still in the works. I have had a crazy few years and when I did have time to work on it I prioritized other stuff. Bottom line I was chasing parts we had 2 kids, bought my wifes company back out of partnership, i left the family business after 20 years and started a new company, we just wrapped up a 3.5 years lawsuit over our house. Finally bought new house and in the process of moving in a few weeks ago I ripped off a tendon holding on my bicep.

So I still have it. It is in my garage and I hope to get started on it now that things are actually settling down and my arm gets well enough for me to tinker but who knows. Life has a way of getting the way of fun sometimes. I will be selling it once it is back up and I have the bugs chased out of it for a suv project to fit the family. Maybe 4runner maybe land cruiser not sure.


Expedition Leader
Well just when u thought this truck was gone for ever, the prodigal Toyota returns. Hard to believe this thing has been sitting quietly for 7 years! After a lot of work drama, a sinkhole under my home 2 kids a 4 ys law suit and 2 moves and 2 surgeries later we are ready. I went and got the truck today and stooped at the local diy wash to blast off all the grim and dust. Now she is in the garage ready for some love.
[URL=http://s22.photobucket.com/user/nullifierx/media/Tacoma/0113151707_zpswfsks6fe.jpg.html] [/URL]

I'm looking forward to going through this entire truck and getting her back on the trail. We have been bumbling around the past several years in my suburban but since the sub is my Dd I can't go crazy with it. Oh I can't wait to get her on the trails and then stretch her legs to some place cool like big bend or expo west. Or better yet both since it's on the way.
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