The BN Guy
Expedition Leader
I'd love to have one of the Nissan 4.2l engines myself.
Here's a sneek... I really want one of these for my Taco!!!!
Well I got the hood blacked out... no pictures yet, but it looks pretty sweet. I'll post a pic up soon when I can.
I thought about doing something like this to mine, can't wait to see the pics!
:drool: Do you have any pics of the hood standing back a few feet (where you can see more of the truck)? Forgive my ignorance, but was it painted on or was it a decal?
Nice, is the emblem seperate from the blackout vinyl?
You have out done me again.....
We shall see....
ya but you have the ************** trailer!!
Come on man...join the cool kids club.....
Ya but you have the ************** trailer!!
Come on man...join the cool kids club.....