Box Rocket
Well-known member
Dang those are some fugly toes that snuck into that last pic. You have a Hobbit that lives with you? :sombrero:
Dang those are some fugly toes that snuck into that last pic. You have a Hobbit that lives with you? :sombrero:
Here's a sneek... I really want one of these for my Taco!!!!
Holy hobbit feet!
I may have to start a parts distribution from Oz to North America for these beauties...
some of the butt ugliest feet I have ever you shave those? But a very nice gun....sweet carry!:victory:Very nice.Is this your .38? :elkgrin:
Ya but you have the ************** trailer!!
Come on man...join the cool kids club.....
OMG -- was there a full moon out? I hope those are silver bullets in that revolver!
Where can you buy the black matte vinyl??