Four Peaks, AZ. Pickup February 9th


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
FlyingWen said:
I am excited about this clean up! I haven't been out on many trails since Flyingbaby came along.

Garbage, a trail ride and toss in some good Ole Expo folks and you've got yourself a pretty nice day....

Whoo Hooo

Woohoo! I agree! I'm getting excited for it already. Anyone who will come out and clean up is good people! Thats a lot of new friends to meet!

If you CAN make it could you please go to the official clean-up website and click the RSVP buttons on the right side of the page below. It will really help me!

Tim Huber

:26_7_2: :rappel: :camping: :wings:


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
If anyone wants a copy to forward to a friend, here is the flyer. Thanks for spreading the word.



Tim and Kelsey get lost..
Ursidae69 said:
There are quite a few hunting and fishing forums for Arizona on the web, if anyone is a member there maybe we could post up the flyer there too. Here are a couple I know about with a good sized memberships.

The AZ Bass Zone
Arizona Hunting Today
Arizona Sportsman's Journal

Sounds good! I'll join up to them in the next few days and search to see if someone has already posted.
Its amazing how many communities are AZ based that I've never thought of! :coffee:


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
I know a lot of us have an SUV, Jeep or other "non" trucks. Although piling bags of trash in the back can work, many don't want to take the risk of hurting the interior of their vehicle or just don't have the room!
If you have a hitch mounted bike rack you may have the perfect alternative. I simply looped the bag back on itself to make sure it gets a good grip and doesn't go anywhere.
Take a look:



Keep in mind that the bags will sway around back there and I don't recommend any highspeed or highway driving with this set up. It may just make the difference in carrying enough trash to make a difference though.


I clicked on the "I'll be there!" box, so I'll be there!!! Are there any plans for a caravan down to the Clean up from north/central AZ? I'd rather follow down there than try to make my own way. Where and when would we meet up?



Tim and Kelsey get lost..
Rexsname said:
I clicked on the "I'll be there!" box, so I'll be there!!! Are there any plans for a caravan down to the Clean up from north/central AZ? I'd rather follow down there than try to make my own way. Where and when would we meet up?


I'll be camping, but the FJ guys, Jeep guys, and xterra guys are all caravaning that morning. If you don't find a caravan I'll be up running around putting up signs etc. until about 8.
I'll keep and eye out for ya.


Unless something major happens, I will be there to lend a hand, under my alter ego. I volunteer in the Posse so I put in some requests for this day. I should have a few Deputies swinging by to help keep an eye and make sure no knuckle heads give any us grief.

Be looking :Astrologist: for the ExPo crowd.


Hunter :jumping:


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
Hunter said:
Unless something major happens, I will be there to lend a hand, under my alter ego. I volunteer in the Posse so I put in some requests for this day. I should have a few Deputies swinging by to help keep an eye and make sure no knuckle heads give any us grief.

Be looking :Astrologist: for the ExPo crowd.


Hunter :jumping:

Right on! I look forward to meeting you. See you out there and thanks for the support. It would be great to have some officers out there, although the rock buggy is frightening enough!! I wouldn't know whether to pull over or run for my life!
:gunt: :arabia:


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
FlyingWen said:
That makes me wanna join the Sheriff department if I get to play on those dune buggies!!!
Seriously! Where do they get those wonderful toys!?

We'll be out there at location 10 helping folks get to the clean up sites all day, but here is a map just in case.



SOAZ said:
Seriously! Where do they get those wonderful toys!?

Thanks guys! It is alot of fun. But I admit, I kinda cheat.. its my personal vehicle. I built it and I drive as a volunteer in the Sheriff's Posse


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
Hunter said:
Thanks guys! It is alot of fun. But I admit, I kinda cheat.. its my personal vehicle. I built it and I drive as a volunteer in the Sheriff's Posse
Very cool. I want to know more about that. Sounds like it would have some good stories!


Hunter said:
Thanks guys! It is alot of fun. But I admit, I kinda cheat.. its my personal vehicle. I built it and I drive as a volunteer in the Sheriff's Posse

Yea.. can we say Tax write off!

NICE :26_7_2:

Scenic WonderRunner


You have done an Awesome Job Organizing this!:26_7_2:

I commend you!

God's Speed!

Oh Look!

com·mend /kəˈmɛnd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuh-mend] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object) 1. to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness, etc.; recommend: to commend a friend to another; to commend an applicant for employment.
2. to entrust; give in charge; deliver with confidence: I commend my child to your care.
3. to cite or name with approval or special praise: to commend a soldier for bravery.
4. Feudal Law. to place (oneself or one's land) under another's protection so as to become his vassal. 5. Archaic. to recommend (a person) to the kind remembrance of another.

I really like Number #4 ......hehe:26_7_2:


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