harrop lockers


Expedition Leader
sort of. i wasnt looking for an arb vs the world discussion, i know whats out there. i just wanted to know if anyone that had a set in a 100 had insight into possible product peculiarities, being the manufacture is "licensed". ive since run into info that showed a 10k NM fail point.

i have an arb in my 40. today id rank arb the third or 4th solution. id rather use a detroit locker than an arb anymore. seriously. if theres an issue getting these, i'm going with a single detroit in the bum.

yes it does suck that you can get an eaton model for a d60 for 900 bucks, but, it doesnt make the product any less superior because i have to pay the Ozzie Premium. i saw the prices down there, i feel sorry for those guys. its like living in NYC.


The guy under the car
Harrop also have the advantage of offering you a truetrac or a elocker, the truetrac is ideal for general outback touring and the elocker for the mountain climbers.

According to Harrop's site they are not a true-trac when unlocked, they are a standard 4 spider open differential just like ARB. Auburn Ectd is the only limited slip e-locker.

As for on board air being a pain over a CO2 tank, I hope you never have to use a cfm hungry air tool on your tank for very long.


Is that $1250 to your door? That makes the discussion a lot more interesting.

Why would the setup/install be easier on the Eaton vs. ARB?


Interested in this myself.

I contacted them a while back, and they have offerings for late 90's 4runners as well. This is something I'm highly considering, as I too like the electric operation. I've mostly been waiting to finish a few other mods I have sitting in the garage before shelling out for another one.

However, more information is good! Zimm, where did you find the breaking strength test? Did they have comparisons to other brands/types? was that test only for 100 stuff, or did they go through various Harrop models?



Expedition Leader
According to Harrop's site they are not a true-trac when unlocked, they are a standard 4 spider open differential just like ARB. Auburn Ectd is the only limited slip e-locker.

As for on board air being a pain over a CO2 tank, I hope you never have to use a cfm hungry air tool on your tank for very long.

why would i use air? ever use a snap on 18v 1/2"? piece o' cake with ANYTHING on a car. it packs in a small bag, and no aux air tank. take a grinder, drill and sawzall, and you can actually be productive more than 50' from your car.

easy peasy.


Expedition Leader
Is that $1250 to your door? That makes the discussion a lot more interesting.

Why would the setup/install be easier on the Eaton vs. ARB?

no. pre ship cost. you gonna have to gamble on the exchange rate.

easier for me? because im putting in a control panel to a relay board for other items anyway (lighting, front rear winch control, etc) , so ill be just wiring to an existing box in the engine bay. i can fit a second sears 1250ca battery where i just removed the AHC pump instead of some dumb air cooled compressor sitting above a hot headder. .

the eatons are actually less time to install, but another 30 minutes isnt that big of a consideration if comparing the two.


Expedition Leader
Zimm, where did you find the breaking strength test? Did they have comparisons to other brands/types? was that test only for 100 stuff, or did they go through various Harrop models?


late night internet scrounging on aussie websites. the odds of finding that again are slim to none and slim is in australia.


Well-known member
the harrops are stronger...

Where are you finding this data? I'm pretty familiar with the Harrop and have been approached as a dealer but I've not even hear their salesman make any 'stronger than xyz' claims.

EDIT: Saw your reply to the same inquire,sure that wasn't a dream :D

on board air is a waste of space and complication compared to a co2 tank. i have both, i know...

I also have both and even in a non-Air Locker rig I'm still a fan of having a compressor for redundancy. Try filling a CO2 tank in Mexico or Blanding, Utah for that manner ;)

Fwiw ARB's can be operated via C02 with easy plumbing, pretty common. If the size of a compressor is an issue there are compressor offerings about the size of a human fist, i.e. can be installed on just about any rig without a sacrifice. In the case of the 100, I run the Slee dual bat and larger ARB compressor, non-issue with space. ARB's are not a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone and I'm the first to recognize that. We sell/install a handful of different lockers (including Detroit offerings) and they each have their pro's and con's. ARB's do have a stigma of air line problems and an over-complicated systems but we've found that 95%+ of those issues are directly related to the install, with proper install they are a really trouble-free setup over many years. I see customers regularly with 15+ year old ARB setups, for that matter I first installed the ARB's in my FJ40 in 2001. On top of that, the new ARB lockers are far simpler and stronger designs than those of the yesteryear. Different strokes for different folks.


I also have both and even in a non-Air Locker rig I'm still a fan of having a compressor for redundancy. Try filling a CO2 tank in Mexico or Blanding, Utah for that manner ;)

Never even heard of CO2 setups over Air until I started surfing forums with a big American user base :). I'd loathe to think where the hell you'd even get CO2 filled in Australia.


According to Harrop's site they are not a true-trac when unlocked, they are a standard 4 spider open differential just like ARB. Auburn Ectd is the only limited slip e-locker.

As for on board air being a pain over a CO2 tank, I hope you never have to use a cfm hungry air tool on your tank for very long.

I was referring to two different models made by Harrop, not both in one model.


Expedition Leader
I was referring to two different models made by Harrop, not both in one model.

are you saying its open and lsd when activated? i cant picture mechanically how that would work. they also never mentioned that.

of course, if i could picture mechanically how the eaton worked on my own, ida had a patent years ago!

the auburn electric unit would be cool on a traditional 4WD, but id be leery of front and real LSD on the full time tcase. i wonder if that would fry it. its not an option for me to guinea pig anyway.


Expedition Leader
you guys dont have fountain drinks or welding shops?

you'll get about 50-70 reinflates. unless you have an hummer with ATIS, your not inflating and deflating all day long anyway.

the compressor i have is a Puma unit. ive been able to reseat 33's with it, but its still a big pain in the balls compared to co2. if you can refuel a truck, and change oil, you can refill a co2 tank. it being a consumable is much ado bout nothing.


Well-known member
...the compressor i have is a Puma unit. ive been able to reseat 33's with it, but its still a big pain in the balls compared to co2. if you can refuel a truck, and change oil, you can refill a co2 tank. it being a consumable is much ado bout nothing.

Other than every small town has a gas station and not a soda distributor or weld shop. ;) I'm 20 minutes from SLC and it is still an hour+ deal to get my bottle re-filled.

Even in SLC CO2 is becoming a bit more of a chore. I've been running my bottles for ~10 years and I used to be able to walk into Bevco (big C02 distributor here locally) and they would hurry and refill while you wait, now they are generally too busy and need it left for a day which is hours out of my day. If you don't mind continuing to swap bottles, Airgas or the other weld shops will work BUT the you would need to remove any tank boots and handles which isn't ideal. Your absolutely right they last a long time for tire inflates, run air tools and it is a different story. We do a couple big river tube floating trips each year, I made the mistake of trying to use CO2 for filling of tubes one time... that didn't end well, the rubber/plastic around the fill port on the tubes literally froze and shattered in the first few minutes of filling. Thankfully we started with the cheapie tube :D

"50-70 inflates", perhaps if your running 30" tires and the largest tank. My experience (rigs with 33-35" tires) is more like 5-6 full inflates (4 tires going from say 15-20psi to 35-40 psi). Still not bad as it would be a rare trip to deflate/inflate that many times on a single trip but then your back at the soda re-filler Monday if your back out the following weekend. Works for some. I use my compressor for tire inflation, CO2 for air tools.

Since your CO2 works so well for you, plumb it to your new ARB's, easily done with under $20 worth of parts.


the compressor i have is a Puma unit. ive been able to reseat 33's with it, but its still a big pain in the balls compared to co2. if you can refuel a truck, and change oil, you can refill a co2 tank. it being a consumable is much ado bout nothing.

There's an awful lot of nothing in between anything in Australia :)

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