Love the awning Azlugs, could you possibly post a pic of how it attaches to the roof rack? I'm doing something similar with my Scrambler but am not 100% sold on how I've attached it to the Jeep and am struggling to picture your set up in my head
Well, I finally got around to taking some (slightly) better pics and showing how I made it and the basic cost.
The sun here is a killer in the summer so having the awning to sit under is a major benefit!! Trouble is, awnings are expensive and most are too long for my Jeep. I needed something that could fold and store but not cost $300-$500. Little bit of time and effort and I turned a plastic tarp into an awning that, albiet doesn't look the prettiest, but works great and does not take too long to set up.
Rolled up, the basic tarp and frame is just over 4' long and fits crosswise in the back of the jeep:
I started with an 8'x10' tarp that is sun reflective on one side, and 8' piece of 1" "C" channel aluminum and a bunch of #8 screws and deco washers.
I cut the channel in half so I had 2 4' pieces and screwed them to an 8' edge of the tarp. I put the screws into the back of the "C" channel about every 1", prolly overkill but it worked out ok and it keeps the screw points up in the channel.
In the center I used 2 18" sections of 3/4" angle aluminum screwed to each side of ONE of the pieces of "C" channel and left it to overhang the other side by about 8". This left an overlap that the other side could fit into but still allowed me to fold the whole setup in half. In the open end of the angles and the other end of "C" channel, I drilled two pin holes so when it was laid out straight, the other end could be pinned in place.
Putting it together:
One pin in:
From there, I lift the aluminum frame up and set it on the top edge of the roof rack and use 2 (or more) hand clamps to hold it to the rack.
The next part, extendable tent fly poles, I bought at Wal-Mart in the camping section for $8.00. Then some tent stakes and a spool of nylon rope and 2 small "L" brackets. The brackets allow you to adjust the tension on the rope to hold the poles.
Pin on top of the pole goes thru the hole in the corner of the tarp, the loop of the rope when you slide the bracket out goes over the pin to hold the top of the pole and the stke gets pounded iin the ground. Just like setting an old school tent up. Sliding the bracket up or down the rope adjusts the tension to hold the pole upright.
Loop made with bracket:
Do the same in the other corner and you now have an 8'x10' awning for around $50.
Another couple shots of the clamps:
As you can see in these shots, if you use 2 clamps in the middle, the aluminum tends to "pull" a bit at the ends, normally when I am setting up, I use 3 or 4 clamps and the outside 2 I put as close to the end of the rack as possible to keep the "bow" out.