could you email at, i may have a "commission" for you to do if you want (or you can help me do it, but i am not a model expert!)
I can't wait to see the final product!! So cool!!
Thanks! I can't wait either to tell you the truth. :victory:
You wouldnt happen to have a larger pic of the rig in your Avatar pic? It looks interesting...
Thanks! I can't wait either to tell you the truth. :victory:
You wouldnt happen to have a larger pic of the rig in your Avatar pic? It looks interesting...
There are pics all over my site!! That would be sick, we may have to commission a build!!!
I love the miniature Overland Journals!!Control Panels
I checked out the site, pretty sweet van. It would be fairly easy build.
If you have about $700-$800 bucks and some time to burn you have yourself a scale replica.