How ‘bout a weight loss challenge?


Well-known member
I weighed yesterday actually, but now I have a chance to post.
Last week 210; this week 209...

it's only a pound but I've been hitting the treadmill a couple days a week and doing the weight machines the alternating days. I feel much better, than earlier this year, my energy level is up and I'm sleeping better.

As far as diet, I haven't really changed, just stopped getting seconds and thirdsies...oh, and no pie. I do indulge in a glass of wine with dinner, but that's supposed to be good for you, right?


Expedition Leader
Ok so after week one I have dropped 7lbs! Basically here is my regiment. (3) 500 calorie meals with 2 100-150 cal snacks. This is a total of 1700-1800 calories a day. I am wieght training and getting in 30 min cardio M,W,F. Tues and Thurs I am riding my bike to work it is 9 miles one way and 4 of it is offroad!

I will probably hit a loss plateau after next week we will see. oddly enough I have had less cravings and hunger then I thought. Big trick at night is to go to bed early. If I stay up later I get hungry.

I also have to say that I eased into the wieghts this week. I really worked all my upper body muscles each work out lightly so I would not have to suffer to much from D.O.M.S. syndrome. After this weeks muscle shock factor, I will increase the work out level.

As I get closer to december my work outs will start to include paddle training for the 300 mile Everglades Challenge race I will be doing in march.

the dude

Starting weight 320

first week 322
second weak 318

Need to incorporate more exercise. The wife and I made up over 40 frozen meals and packaged them in smaller portions. It works well and keeps me out of the left overs.


Good results

It's very encouraging to see y'alls' good results so far.
I'm meeting with my doctor this afternoon to talk about my options.
I'll hit the grocery store on my way home and get healthy stuff. I've been way too undisciplined and lazy. I drive by a Chick-Fil-A on my way home and it's far too easy to just hit the drive-thru instead of have to cook and then do dishes, etc. Come home, turn on the TV, eat a chicken sandwich (or two). Bad things, man.... bad things...
Vegetables are good. Lots of vegetables.
Exercise - here is a challenge. How to get exercise and increase caloric usage when it hurts to walk even a few feet. That's one of the things I'm hoping my doctor can help me with. Maybe some kind of treatment for my knees so I can walk to get some weight off my knees so they won't hurt so I can keep walking and get more weight off, etc.
Or maybe I'll just have to keep the "lift-kit-for-Jeep" plan on the back burner and use some of my savings for that to look for a good stationary bike that won't collapse under my fat butt and kill me... Any suggestions?
Thanks, y'all. Again - congrats to those of you who are seeing success. It's encouraging.


Expedition Leader
DarinM said:
I'm meeting with my doctor this afternoon to talk about my options.
I'll hit the grocery store on my way home and get healthy stuff.
Or maybe I'll just have to keep the "lift-kit-for-Jeep" plan on the back burner and use some of my savings for that to look for a good stationary bike that won't collapse under my fat butt and kill me... Any suggestions?

Way to go, Darin. Glad you have that appointment lined up. I don’t know much about exercise equipment, but I have seen little pedal sets that you just put on the floor in front of a ‘regular’ chair. Maybe that would be a cheap and effective place to start?



Expedition Leader
Started 254, now at 242. The 1st week i lost 2lbs but i had a reaccurance of my back injury and was laid up for 5 days where i felt nausous if i even thought of food. So i just kept hydrated. I did manage some toast here and there though.

I start another session of physical therapy today, and will be hitting the gym once i become able.


Expedition Leader
I started at 240, last week was 239, and today was 237. Slowly whittling away. I’m sure progress would be faster if I could get that exercise routine going… The success story is that I haven’t bought ice cream in three weeks!!

Nuclear Redneck

I gained a pound and a half. This despite having run or walked over 90 miles since the start of August. :smilies27 I'm also eating healthier than I have in a long time.

Or course, my wife thought it was funny to comment, "Well, honey you ARE 35 years old now." Such a laugh riot, she is.


Expedition Leader
Nuclear Redneck said:
I gained .

Here's your new mantra:

muscles are heavier than fat,
muscles are heavier than fat,
muscles are heavier than fat,
muscles are heavier than fat

Repeat as necessary.


New member
Awesome thread. What really works is having support. Last New Years I decided it was time to fix things in my life that I wasn't very happy with. I was tired with being tired of being out of shape and watching year after year as the pants got tighter. Turns out gaining 5 pounds a year for 7 years added up. Anyway, by starting to drink water (I hated it and still hate it but understand the benefits associated with drinking it), cutting out sugars and all junk, eating more protein, walking the dog every day for an hour, etc. I was able to lose a total of 49.5lbs. Turns out I ate a lot of crap and ate out a lot more... always making excuses. I've gained back ~5 pounds since losing it all, but these days my diet is more flexible and I'm back to eating the things I like - in moderation of course. I've noticed now that when I feel "blah" I've been eating junk and when that happens I go back to being "good" for awhile and I feel better and the few fluctuating pounds come off again.

So, now that I've found this thread maybe I can get motivated to lose the last of it...



Well-known member
It's been another week, and other than missing Friday (spent that evening packing up for the Elk Rendevous) I've gone to the Y for at least an hour every week night. Another week, another pound, down to a svelte 208! I already feel stronger/better than I have in quite a while.

muscles are heavier than fat,
muscles are heavier than fat,
muscles are heavier than fat,
muscles are heavier than fat

the dude

Ratpuke said:
Awesome thread. What really works is having support. Last New Years I decided it was time to fix things in my life that I wasn't very happy with. I was tired with being tired of being out of shape and watching year after year as the pants got tighter. Turns out gaining 5 pounds a year for 7 years added up. Anyway, by starting to drink water (I hated it and still hate it but understand the benefits associated with drinking it), cutting out sugars and all junk, eating more protein, walking the dog every day for an hour, etc. I was able to lose a total of 49.5lbs. Turns out I ate a lot of crap and ate out a lot more... always making excuses. I've gained back ~5 pounds since losing it all, but these days my diet is more flexible and I'm back to eating the things I like - in moderation of course. I've noticed now that when I feel "blah" I've been eating junk and when that happens I go back to being "good" for awhile and I feel better and the few fluctuating pounds come off again.

So, now that I've found this thread maybe I can get motivated to lose the last of it...


Hey ms puke:

Good to see you here! Our trip up north did it for me. I just don't want to miss out on that kind of stuff due to my weight. Feeling better, eating better...


Late to the game, but I'm in. I'm 5'-8" and 210lbs. Need to cut some calories and do some form of daily exercise.

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