How ‘bout a weight loss challenge?


SE Expedition Society
I had a Burger King double stacker combo meal with fries and a regular coke for dinner. I am not worthy, but damn it was good.


Nuclear Redneck

I weighed 232 this morning, down 2 lbs for the week. Ran 5 miles today.My pace is getting better and I felt pretty good.

Tomorrow...the pool...dodging harpoons results in more calories burned!


Expedition Leader
2X2!! Good job, guys!

Tomorrows my day, and I'm afraid I'm going to find the four pounds you guys lost...

the dude

After one week I am up 2 pounds...

Not worried. I am feeling MUCH better then a month ago and I took in my belt a notch.

Actually caught myself thinking, "what would the expo guys think" when I went to grab that second burger off the grill...I put it back and ate it for lunch the next day!

Colorado Ron

Funny! I just saw this post. I too am in! I actually already mentioned something about it on my other blog, Million Dollar Blog.

Im 6ft. 320 lbs. :smilies27

I used to be 6ft 240lbs and could bench 400lbs and run 5 miles daily! How sad is that! Time to get back and BEAT my glory days. I feel my best days are still ahead!!


Expedition Leader
OK, this AM the scales complained just the same. Starting weight = 240.0#, first week - 239.4#. We'll call it even...

And the exercise routine has been a no-show so far.

Glad you guys are doing better than I am!


Not yet...

I don't have a scale so I haven't weighed yet. I think at this point, my weight is kind of moot. It's like getting hit by a .44 or a .45. That .01 isn't going to make a lot of difference (yes I am aware there are other differences in the loads, but my point is purely related to size).

I'm seeing my doctor on 22 Sept to see what options I have and what kind of assistance he can offer me.

Since last week I have changed my eating though.
Smaller portions throughout the day rather than just one big meal like I'm used to, no sodas (betraying my not being a true Texan by not calling them cokes), much more vegetables, much less meat. Drinking much more water.

I kind of informally gauge my relative weight (size) by how easily I fit behind the wheel of the Jeep. There is a bit more room between my gut and the wheel this week than there was last.

Congrats to all y'all who are being successful. Well done!!


Working it

5' 10" and down to 172 from 183 at the start of August this year when kidney stones kicked me again!

Gave up all but the occasional Guinness and keep my water and herbal tea intake (Sleepytime. It's good anytime!) up at about 95 - 120 oz. per day.

Got back on the treadmill programmed with a 40 minute hiking workout that I pulled from the web. The original is 30 minutes, but I modified it a bit. Also do a light workout while on the treadmill with 5 - 15 lb. weights.

Fewer carbs, more protein. That wasn't too hard being in Santa Fe last week and going for the steaks and grilled chix! :chowtime: Only one beer the whole week. A decent stout at the Blue Corn. Otherwise, it was cranberry and club soda.

Feeling great and have a few more bucks in my pocket at the end of the week now that I'm not making that weekly stop for Guinness and Murphy's!


I would highly suggest that you all invest in a scale with a body fat % scale as well. they aren't too expensive but without a BF% you dont really know how much is muscle and how much is fat. You could be losing muscle and not know it. So if your willing to go these length's to lose some lb's. i suggest you fork over some extra $$ and get yourself a descent scale.

you weight 250lb's.

Your body fat percentage is 25-30%

you may be working out every single day but when you look at the scale it still shows 250lb's a week later. This may be because you can't see your BF% so it could be down to 22-25% and you've gained muscle.

Thats why it's important to track BF as much as LB's.

just a thought.



Expedition Leader
silentsamurai said:
You could be losing muscle and not know it.

Trust me, Adam, I haven't been gaining muscle while being sedentary over the last few years. If I get back to a previous weight, it won't be muscles I loose.

We all know that it takes, diet AND exercise, and if I start exercising, there's no way I'm going to be loosing muscle.

you may be working out every single day but when you look at the scale it still shows 250lb's a week later. This may be because you can't see your BF% so it could be down to 22-25% and you've gained muscle.

As someone mentioned before, I know that my weight might go up a little at first due to added muscle. No problem, I'll just watch the 'belt notch' scale, also previously mentioned.


true, the belt way always works :)

I basically say get a scale if your anal about what your doing, and you want to track your results. So people will have a trainer, and keep a log. So those that do that i would suggest that type of scale.

But if your doing it, and stick with it for the next 2-3 years (yes it will take awhile) then the belt notch way will work better heh.



Expedition Leader
OK....I'm in

My name is Paul and suffering from middle age spread,

42 years old....6ft and 100kg.....

Like most the major issue is my life style...used to hump dive tanks all day, then worked on the rigs.....and now ...

...........I use a mouse and keypad

3 years in the US did not help with my diet either.......and nor did having a pregnant wife leaving discarded food everywhere

Target weight- 90kg, thats a loss of about 22 lbs

and mean I can get back into the other half of my wardrobe.

Whats my prize at the end.......kitesurfing again........right now I'd just sink
and drown


I checked today, and I am up 2 lbs.:smilies27, but my pants are fitting a little looser, so something is working somewhere.

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