I did my first official weigh-in this AM, and after a little whining (the scales have been very sedentary, as well), my official starting weight is 240.
I heard or read a while back that it is best to just weigh in once a week. That tends to average out the daily variations that can drive some of us nuts. Also weighing when you first wake up tends to track better. I suggest everyone post up their progress weekly.
Couple of other things I thought might help us out... For those of you that are ‘in’ for this month, please post up the following:
Day of weigh-in and progress report: Tuesday, for me.
Plan of Attack, Diet: I’ve cut out ice cream. This is a big deal for me, as I have a family tradition of eating a big bowl of ice cream just before going to bed. Also, my wife and I plan to start using the Weight Watchers points tracking system (again) in a couple of weeks.
Plan of Attack, Exercise: I broke out the mini stair-stepper that I talked my wife into buying for me for my birthday a couple of years ago. This AM I did 5 min. and my thighs were burning, but I plan to build up to 20-30 min. 2-3 times a week. Best times for me are Tue. and Thurs. AMs. I’ll try to do Sat. AMs, as well. I’ve got a wrist-watch heart-rate monitor that I will be using to try to hit my target rate.
Biggest Challenge: At my new job there is a break room stock full of all kinds of freebees, from rice cakes to attractively colored lumps of sugar (like Skittles). I have to walk through there several times a day, and it’s far too easy to grab a handful of M&Ms.
We’ll run a new challenge each month, so for this month we’re already 9 days behind. Get with it!
Also, do I need to post the standard disclaimer, that none of us are giving medical advice, and we should all check with our doctors?