How ‘bout a weight loss challenge?


Expedition Leader
I check in at 5'10" and 190. Just a few short months ago I was at 180. I am going to check out a few dojos tomorrow to get in better shape. I would like to be 175.


Expedition Leader
7wt said:
I check in at 5'10" and 190. Just a few short months ago I was at 180. I am going to check out a few dojos tomorrow to get in better shape. I would like to be 175.

I hope your butt grows together! Geez, to have THOSE problems...

I'm in! I need to lose about 20 pounds. Checking Gyminee now...

Before I moved to Alaska, I wanted to tone up so I bought some NIKE ankle weights. They made a HUGE difference and were OK'd by the ortho doc because the weight is below the joints. I wore them everyday (only 5 lbs each) and no one noticed them under my Dockers. Within two weeks I could tell a MAJOR difference in my leg strength and my overall endurance. Just an FYI...

the dude

Light weights..... 6'1" 320 as of today.

I'm in. Started after losing 15 lbs on our trip to alaska. All my pants now need a belt, it feels good. Not sure if I have a goal (maybe that's bad??) but I gotta take off the pounds. I don't think I came out of the womb under 200lbs but as a start, reaching 250 would be a good goal for myself.

The wifes 7 years younger then me, I figure I have to be around to spend some of her money after I retire and she is still working.:sombrero:


Expedition Leader
Schattenjager said:
I hope your butt grows together! Geez, to have THOSE problems...
I've always heard that the butt that grows together stays together.


I'm in!
6'1" 250lbs 46 pushing 47 years old.
I've always been heavy though, even when I was superfit and toned, so realistically at this stage of my life if I get close to 230lbs it will be a miracle.

Oh..and american dieting will suit me fine. My bathroom scale is in pounds.

By the way, a few years ago I cut out all wheat and starches and drank plenty water and the pounds just fell off me. The problem is that a wheat free diet is almost impossible in our modern world.


Expedition Leader
Count me in..

5'10" somewhere close to 250. 46 years old... and i need to get in shape, my life depends on it. Just recently joined the gym, but working second shift makes it difficult. This may be the inspiration i need.

sgt rock

i am in 260 lbs and going down....

i would rather call it a life change then trying to loose weight...after my spouse passed away while deployed in 05/06 put on the path for total destruction. in november 06 i came home at 190 lbs and then pretty much became a hermit trying to find some type answer of "why" to some all did not help much working from home and then as the days, turned to months and the to 2 years i pushed the scale to 260- the 2 shockers were not being able to button my pants one day and when some of my soldiers in my reserve unit became concerned.

i have been pretty active and also ran a few fitness bootcamps a few years ago.

long story short...a good friend of mine asked me to help her train but instead i finally saw the light and once again the gym has become my "church"! in 4 weeks i have seen the changes and pretty much try to make reasons not to is around the corner and dog gets his 2 mile walk nightly and when the weather cools down will bilke to school....also i have not seen any junk food in the past few weeks....

pretty much can sum it up to lifestyle changes and making priorties instead of last thing is the scale- try not to use it as when starting workouts muscle gains lbs and in reality some might see an increase of weight before the fat goes away...i did a water test and was at 26 percent body fat and my goal is to get down to 15 percent body fat.....


Time to get back in the game!

I always seem to slack off during the summer and then get back in shape starting in the fall. After 20 years of sports I guess that is just what my body is used to! It also doesn't hurt that I am getting married in the spring!

5' 8", 207#, 25 y/o M

Goal: 195#


Kudos to everyone participating in this challenge.

May I make a suggestion for EVERYONE who may read this?

Read labels, folks. Take the time to go to the store and READ THE LABEL.

Make it a point to do a "glance" first...if the contents are a half-mile don't need to read any need to put that box BACK ON THE SHELF.

Reasoning? You need solid/whole foods, not overprocessed crapola. MANY times products are chocked full of salts...di-glcer-whatevers...and nearly all the time you'll find HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP in there...

This stuff is in EVERYTHING..and IMO, it is THE thing that is making losing weight such a challenge for many.

My wife has battled weight since having the kids (bless her soul). Diets never worked...and stress was turning all the sugars into fat.

She started reading the labels...cut out the HFCS...and within a few months her metabolism changed and she started to drop pounds.

just a thought. Good luck everyone.



5'8'' and 200 even. Was 270 when graduated highschool. Dropped to 175 in April but gained everything back when I turned 21. Kinda lost control I guess one could say. Either way, my butt is gonna be suffering when duck season comes around! :ar15:


I could end up cheating

Hello I'm Darin and I'm morbidly obese and have been for most of my life.
I've been putting off making a doctor's appointment to begin the process for bariatric surgery for quite some time. Quite frankly I'm scared. Also having this type of procedure done would make me very dependent on others for awhile and I hate to admit I need help or ask for it.

I wish I could say that I have the ability to lose the weight on my own, but I'm not going to lie to myself any more. Well, I guess I have the ability but I lack the discipline. I need help, and I believe that altering my body is what it's going to take. I don't like the idea but I don't see any realistic alternative.

My weight and the effect it is having on my health and the ability to live the life I want to live are no longer something I am willing (or able) to tolerate. And unless I make some major changes soon, I will end up severely disabled or dead sooner than I would prefer. Walking is a painful experience as both of my knees are shot.

Hi, I'm Darin. I'm 5'10" and I'm not sure what I weigh right now. Probably somewhere in the 450-475 range. More to follow... Best to all y'all on your efforts.


Expedition Leader
I did my first official weigh-in this AM, and after a little whining (the scales have been very sedentary, as well), my official starting weight is 240.

I heard or read a while back that it is best to just weigh in once a week. That tends to average out the daily variations that can drive some of us nuts. Also weighing when you first wake up tends to track better. I suggest everyone post up their progress weekly.

Couple of other things I thought might help us out... For those of you that are ‘in’ for this month, please post up the following:

Day of weigh-in and progress report: Tuesday, for me.

Plan of Attack, Diet: I’ve cut out ice cream. This is a big deal for me, as I have a family tradition of eating a big bowl of ice cream just before going to bed. Also, my wife and I plan to start using the Weight Watchers points tracking system (again) in a couple of weeks.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: I broke out the mini stair-stepper that I talked my wife into buying for me for my birthday a couple of years ago. This AM I did 5 min. and my thighs were burning, but I plan to build up to 20-30 min. 2-3 times a week. Best times for me are Tue. and Thurs. AMs. I’ll try to do Sat. AMs, as well. I’ve got a wrist-watch heart-rate monitor that I will be using to try to hit my target rate.

Biggest Challenge: At my new job there is a break room stock full of all kinds of freebees, from rice cakes to attractively colored lumps of sugar (like Skittles). I have to walk through there several times a day, and it’s far too easy to grab a handful of M&Ms.

We’ll run a new challenge each month, so for this month we’re already 9 days behind. Get with it!

Also, do I need to post the standard disclaimer, that none of us are giving medical advice, and we should all check with our doctors?


Expedition Leader
DarinM said:
Hello I'm Darin ... Best to all y'all on your efforts.

Darin, Best to you, as well.

Even though your plan of attack is a little different than I have proposed here, please continue to be a part of the thread, and keep us posted on your progress.

I, for one, want to hear your experience with the surgery, as I have a someone close to me considering the same thing.

I see you're from Austin, maybe we can all sit down for a (whatever skinny people eat) and celebrate one day soon.

When is that appointment scheduled for?


Hang in there Darin.

Making the decision to change is the first step to becoming the person you want to be. Congratulations on reaching that point. :)

Call the doctor today and make that appointment. There may be other options as well that he can help you with.

Most importantly, remember that yesterday is who you were, NOT who you are! Focus on the person you want to be and the activities you want to enjoy and you will be amazed at how much easier it becomes to handle life's challenges.

When negative thoughts try to creep back in, send them packing with a reminder that you feel so much better now that you are in control. Remind yourself of this daily, hourly if necessary! You are in control. Take the steps and seek assistance from those around you. Simply ask for help and people WILL help.

This board is an awesome example of that. People from all walks of life, political and religious affiliations all coming together in respect and friendship to help each other.

I've been through many challenges and am still working through a few. I wake up every day and say thank you for another day, smile (even if I have to force it) and start my day grateful for another opportunity to be here in this wonderful world. Focus on the good, try to stay away from the bad news. If you watch the news, Stop! Read, talk or engage in things that make you feel good, happy and useful.

In the immortal words of Bela Karolyi at the 2000 Sydney Olympics to Kerri Strug, "You can do it!" :luxhello:

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