How ‘bout a weight loss challenge?

the dude

Day of weigh-in and progress report: Monday

Plan of Attack, Diet: Eat breakfast. I haven't eaten breakfast for over 30 years on a regular basis. Currently Oat bran cereal, porridge, and poached eggs on toast with juice. Leave food on my plate at dinner (take a smaller portion), I have always found this hard to do.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: Walking, and I hate it, 1/2 hour 3-4 times week. It's not that I can't, but I get so bored. We have a corner grocery that I am biking to instead of driving.

Biggest Challenge: Home office. The fridge is right there and when I get bored at home, I eat... I have been trying to stock our home with better for me items which include more fruits and veggies.


Day of weigh-in and progress report: Wednesday 9/10 247lbs

Plan of Attack, Diet: Eat breakfast. Lay off the fast food, healthy snacks to curb appetite
Plan of Attack, Exercise: biking, jogging, pilates with the wife

Biggest Challenge: fast food lunches. I usually hit up one of the fast food places for lunch. It's convenient. It'll be difficult for me to beak this habit.

Just went to the Dr. for a check up on my thyroid, while I was there I had him check my cholesterol, and do a metabolic panel as well. I'm not looking forward to the news, but this I gotta do this right. I've been fat for 3 years, and I hate it, and I know my health is suffering. I was the jock in high school. I was 175, played baseball, wrestled, raced mountain bikes, benched 350. Now, well we'll see for sure what the scale says tomorrow morning.
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I am in!

I'm 5'9" and 203lbs a good deal of which is encircling my waistline. I am going to take the weight issue on day by day and make my main focus on improving my fitness goals.

So here they are as I literally sweat over the keyboard. My status of as about 5 mins ago.

2 mile run: 16:16

Push ups: 43 (1 min)

Sit ups 57 (1 min)

Pull ups: lacking a bar for now, I'll drop by the gym later. (probably 1-2 max) *EDIT* Chin ups: 2 + (almost got the third)

My goals by Jan 1...

2 miles: 14:00

Push ups: 65

Sit ups 70

Chin ups: 6

I'll be posting up my progress. Good luck to everyone!
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Well-known member
OK I should be in on this: I'm 42 years old, I'm currently 210 lbs, fighting weight (back in the day when I strapped on 80 lbs of armour and weilded a sword with some proficiency) 180. That's my goal. I actually started yesterday. Seems KG has a new YMCA (please don't sing it!) that opened on Saturday. I joined, it's ten minutes away, I went yesterday. Going again in an hour.

Day of weigh-in and progress report: Monday 9-8-2008 210 lbs, Knew I was fat but didn't realize how horrid I looked till I went swimming at Mon. Sorry to all attendees.

Plan of Attack, Diet: Eat 1 plate of food, try to avoid pie
Plan of Attack, Exercise: Hit the Y 4-5 days a week, alternate weights and cardio

Biggest Challenge: Pie and ice cream


I'm in, are we still going to pursue the gyminee?


about 13mo ago, I was 355, and 6'1", I found out that my health insurance covered lapband so I went to discuss it with my doctor, he told me that I would be a qualified candidate but that he wanted to see me do some things and check in with him prior to him giving me the go ahead. I had to admit I had not really tried anything, I am now well on my way to lossing the weight through diet and exercise. I am now hovering at 290 and have really gotten serious about watching what I eat and running/walking everyday. My goal is 190 so I have plenty to go.

Surgery should not be a desicsion that is made lightly, I would frankly be worried about you if you were not afraid. I sat back and looked at everything I was missing out on, a girlfriend in highschool, not being able to play sports in college... etc. You need to do what is right for you. If you feel that surgury is the only option, go for it! I wish you the best of luck and hope to hear about your progress.

Nuclear Redneck

OK I should be in on this: I'm 35 years old. As of 11 August I wieghed 240 lbs at 5'10" tall. My peak was nearly 270 lbs about five years ago.

I've nearly always "passed" my Navy "choke-n-rope" aka Body fat measurement. Passing is 22% or less. Last week I was able to take part in an Army program for health and fitness. By the Bod Pod I was 30% fat at 236 pounds (which matches waht my home scale said that morning) When I protested the accuracy of the fat measurement, I was told that to be more accurate they'd have to disect me and wiegh everything that way. I declined.

I was floored. I honestly did not think that I was that fat. So that has to change. By the way, my wife is a saint. She and I were dating in High School, when I wrestled at 125 lbs!! She has seen me double my weight and still stays with me.

Goal: Below 200 lbs. If I maintain my current non-fat mass, that should get me in the 17-18% bodyfat realm.

Day of weigh-in and progress report: Monday 9-8-2008 234 lbs.

Plan of Attack, Diet: Have my wife cook and I use Calorie King to track what I eat.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: Bought a Garmin 405 forerunner with Heart Rate Monitor I run/walk three times a week for 1 hour while trying to keep my heartrate around 150. Also swimm twice a week. Next week I'll fold in some weights. See my latest workout here.

Biggest Challenge: Portion control, all processed foods come in single servings as far as I am concerned. If you put it in front of me I'll eat it.

Thanks for posting this. I need the peer pressure to keep me honest.


Thanks for the info

I lived in Tucson just over 3 years ago. I did the same thing. I went to my doctor there and over the course of a year I lost 100 pounds through diet and exercise. I moved to Philadelphia and my lifestyle changed completely. It's a poor excuse, but it's my reality. I gained all the weight back and now I'm 3 years older and feeling alot more worn-down.

I'm hoping I can come up with something working with my doctor that will work for me without needing surgery. Some of it will obviously depend on the level of health that I have right now. If surgery seems to be the desired approach, I'm going to try to get the band so that I don't permanently change my GI tract.

This thread and y'all's posts have already encouraged me to get something done. I appreciate the encouraging atmosphere that's already developed here and I'm sure we'll all be successful.

Reece04 said:
I'm in, are we still going to pursue the gyminee?


about 13mo ago, I was 355, and 6'1", I found out that my health insurance covered lapband so I went to discuss it with my doctor, he told me that I would be a qualified candidate but that he wanted to see me do some things and check in with him prior to him giving me the go ahead. I had to admit I had not really tried anything, I am now well on my way to lossing the weight through diet and exercise. I am now hovering at 290 and have really gotten serious about watching what I eat and running/walking everyday. My goal is 190 so I have plenty to go.

Surgery should not be a desicsion that is made lightly, I would frankly be worried about you if you were not afraid. I sat back and looked at everything I was missing out on, a girlfriend in highschool, not being able to play sports in college... etc. You need to do what is right for you. If you feel that surgury is the only option, go for it! I wish you the best of luck and hope to hear about your progress.


Darin, last time I saw you in 05 I think when me, you, and Brian went birding at the San Pedro River I thought you were on the right path. That sucks that things went bad in Philly. Now that you are back in Austin, are you in a position where you can get that 100 back the same way you did before?

I know it is hard and once you are up over 300 I think it gets much harder to drop down. I went from 185 pounds in 1989 playing varsity football to 325 in 1997 and I do not know what happened. Now in '08 I find myself at ~255 (5'11") with more work to do. My current Dr still tells me that I am obese and I remind him that I can bench press two of him and can probably out hike him so that keeps him off my back. :sombrero:

I agree that you should start the process and talk to your Dr. Asking for help is hard, but I'm certain that the outcome will be worth it. Go for it dood.


I'm in...

(Don't make fun of me!)

I'm 6'1" and pushing 210... I know I know, it doesn't seem like much at all for my height. Trust me though, it's not muscle! I feel like that 210 will just keep going up if I don't do something now... Like a previous poster said, I don't like being able to not see the muscles anymore...

Count me in...

I don't have access to a gym right now so I am going to start running mon-fri around the neighborhood in the evening. I am also going to change my eating habits. I will cut out ALL junk/fastfood. My meals will consist of 5-6 small proportions a day. I will be eating mainly veggies, fruits, and greens with some fish, chicken, and seafood mixed in..

Remember people... DRINK A LOT OF WATER!!!



Expedition Leader
I just figured it out. I'm not overweight, I'm underheight. I should be 7'2" or so...

Welcome, all. Let's do it.

Anyone else wanna join? There are still a few chairs right up front.


OK, I am in:

43 years old. As of Tuesday September 09, I'm at 220 lbs and 5'10" tall.

Been this way for the best part of 10 years :smilies27 .

Goal: 180 lbs. I should do it in 5 months. 2 pounds per week per 20 weeks.

Plan of Attack, Diet: What worked last time, keep it simple, two healthy meals a day and a normal (But small) meal at noon. Forget about snacks and soda. Should maintain 2 pounds per week minimum.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: I will bike my way into fitness, that's what I know, that's what I like.

Biggest Challenge: Social activities, seems like in Mexico everyday its somebody's birthday or some other special celebration that must be accompanied with lots of booze and incredible greasy and tasty food.

Day of weigh-in and progress report: Tuesdays 9-8-2008 220 lbs.

I W I L L D O I T .....
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Ok here goes.

Currently 250lbs on the dot

Goal: 230lbs

Plan of attack, diet: Cut back on all the coffees and sodas during the day. Lemon juice in water only. No junk food. Cut back drastically on starches, specially wheat based foods.

Plan of attack, exercise: No major changes other than getting back into a bit of hiking

Biggest challenge: During the day- close proximity to the kitchen. Evenings- I've got a Coke and Potato Chips addict for a spouse so buying her daily "fix" will be tougher.


I will join in. I could use the motivation.

I am 5:9 and 236lbs.

I would like to be around 175.

Plan of attack, diet: My wife and I started Weight Watchers a few weeks ago. I have already lost 8lbs. The secret is to truly follow the plan. Using up your points with chips and soda is a recipe for failure.

Plan of attack, exercise: We have begun working out at the local communtiy center three times a week and walking at least two other days.

Biggest challenge: Portion control. I love to eat, and eat a lot.

I weigh on Monday mornings so i will update each Monday.

Hopefully we can help each other stay motivated!

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