My question is how do you carry fuel on your overland trailer? I already have a 3 gal. roto pack fuel can that locks to the mount. I am still planning on using it.
I have run across a good deal on a 15 gal. aluminum fuel cell that would fit perfectly on the tongue of the trailer that I am gathering parts for. It would be a permanent mount with a inline fuel pump. Is this a bad idea? I am looking for pros and cons of a set up like this. I think I uploaded a photo of one like I found.
Here are my thoughts…….
It holds 15 gal of fuel
It is hard mounted to the trailer and would not easily walk off
I can fill my tank or yours with a hose that would run from the trailer on the trailer.
Do I need 120lbs of fuel on the front of my trailer?
(I am guessing fuel weighs about 8lbs per gallon)
It will be next to my duel battery set up.
Due to the shape of the tank It will not go anywhere else on the trailer.
Not easy to get fuel to a location that I can’t take the trailer. (Not sure if that will be an issue or not.)
I am unsure of any issues that would come from the shaking if you will of the fuel in the tank.
(The tank is vented and has a locking fill cap. It was in the back of a rock crawler buggy.)
I have run across a good deal on a 15 gal. aluminum fuel cell that would fit perfectly on the tongue of the trailer that I am gathering parts for. It would be a permanent mount with a inline fuel pump. Is this a bad idea? I am looking for pros and cons of a set up like this. I think I uploaded a photo of one like I found.
Here are my thoughts…….
It holds 15 gal of fuel
It is hard mounted to the trailer and would not easily walk off
I can fill my tank or yours with a hose that would run from the trailer on the trailer.
Do I need 120lbs of fuel on the front of my trailer?
(I am guessing fuel weighs about 8lbs per gallon)
It will be next to my duel battery set up.
Due to the shape of the tank It will not go anywhere else on the trailer.
Not easy to get fuel to a location that I can’t take the trailer. (Not sure if that will be an issue or not.)
I am unsure of any issues that would come from the shaking if you will of the fuel in the tank.
(The tank is vented and has a locking fill cap. It was in the back of a rock crawler buggy.)