Hunters, guns, ATVs, houses...
Desertdude said:
Tony, Sometimes it feels like the wild west out there...
Sometimes! I can't recall who I was speaking to about this during the Expedition Trophy, but what a culture shock for me. :gunt:
I've been around guns and hunting for 15+ years now. I've lived through the time where you could walk up to the store with a valid Firearms Acquisition Card (FAC) lay down your hard earned cash and walk away with hunting rifle or shotgun. Since those days, you have to go through a Hunter Education (provincial) and Fire Arm Safety (federal) course before you can get a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL similar to the FAC but need to pass the courses). Now in Canada, we have very strict Firearms regulations and it was quite a shock to see people carry guns with them, let alone discharge them at an unsuspecting piece of junk mistaken for a target (i.e. propane tanks). We still get the yahoos shooting around during hunting seasons, but you don't see people out with guns outside of hunting season (roughly 2 months of the year). Perhaps I've been living a sheltered life
Jonathan Hanson said:
Did I get your attention?
...Guys with rifles sit on the hillside 200 yards from our house, apparently hoping one of the deer that come in to our yard for water two or three times a day will wander within range....
Any thoughts?
I typically try to say too much on these types of threads but can't resist the temptation in this case.
Are there any laws against discharging a fire arm near a house, camp, barn or other buildings? Here we have to be 200m away from a house before discharging a shotgun or 400m away for a rifle.
I have made the following observations in the 15+ years I have been hunting:
- I call it the "Jekyll & Hyde" effect, get certain people out in the woods, with a gun in their hands out on their ATV or 4X4 and they start to do stupid things that they would not normally do.
- ATVs have allowed easier access to hunting areas IMO
- It's all about the immediate gratification
- Most people just don't know better, they usually listen when you try and educate them.
12 years ago, I was nearly shot in the neck/head with a .22 riffle (accident and negligence on the hunters part). One of my friends and I were out hunting for partridge and met two other hunters. We stopped and chatted for a while standing in a circle, when out of the blue one guy standing to my left stepped back, raised his gun and pointed at a squirrel. I had not seen this and was stepping back when my friend yelled, grabbed me and pulled me forward. When the shot went off, his barrel was 4" from the back of my head. The only reason I did not get hit was because my friend was paying attention and for that I will always be grateful. The outcome could have been very different. After a few moments when things started to sink in, I lost it and yelled at this guy. They packed up and headed out of the woods, so did we. I was pretty shaken up by the close call. Now I pick my hunting partners very very carefully...and am always nervous around people holding guns that I don't know until they show me that they are careful. I observe, it's not a written test!
People need to be better educated and trained before being allowed to carry any fire arm and there needs to be some form of gun control IMO. Don't get me wrong, the regulations here are not perfect and that's a whole different discussion. My observations is that the gun control regulations here keep the honest people honest, I'll leave it at that.
Sorry for the rant, but I love nature and hunting! We as sportsman need to respect it and others regardless if they hunt or not. :sport_box